Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 Well , anyway , thought Julia , she could n't be worse at waiting than she was at typing , so she 'd asked what the rate of pay was .
2 Once you have decided what the extra staffing and other requirements are in respect of the two conferences , you can work out how much it is going to cost to accommodate them .
3 Until now , we have discussed financial reporting in terms of the organization , and it has been implicit that we have understood what the organization is and what its implications for accounting are .
4 I am sure that he has recorded what the hon. Gentleman said .
5 It does not have to be that he has conceived what the French are calling the coup de force for Miss Jonathan . ’
6 Mr Heseltine can reasonably say that he has done what the political reality required of him .
7 Once it has decided what the text is ‘ about ’ , it queries each apparently new or discordant topic or action , and amends its database from the writer 's response .
8 On 19 December 1991 the local authority made their application for an interim care order and I have said what the order was .
9 She inched back against the wall , part of her wanting to find some private place , yet knowing she would not — could not — move from this spot until she had read what the paper had to say .
10 As someone who loves travelling my motto has always been , ‘ never return to the same resort until you 've seen what the others have to offer ’ .
11 ‘ I would be hesitant about forecasting a recovery for Pentos until we 've heard what the Budget brings in March , ’ commented William Cullum , retail analyst at Panmure Gordon .
12 All this is programmatic until we have shown what the crucial sceptical argument is .
13 I doubt whether they should run sandwich courses until they have learned what the words mean ’ .
14 but I 've forgotten what the teaching was .
15 Of course , it was a very nice idea , but I had seen what the Germans were doing with colour television .
16 ‘ Bill , I 'll try , ’ I pleaded , ‘ but I have to know what the fuck is going on . ’
17 I think th the difficulty with that kind of day is that unless you 've decided what the outcome 's going to be before you start , you 're not actually going together are you ?
18 Sizewell B project manager Jim McFarlane told a meeting of the local community liaison committee : ‘ We believe the case for more nuclear power is irresistible but we have to see what the Government says before deciding whether to submit the C station application .
19 If you can afford to pay £34,450 , then flaunt it and enjoy it , because it 's got what the others have n't — image and class .
20 But there may be good reasons every now and then for not re-issuing er , even though it 's agreed what the will be .
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