Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be this [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 I believe that each of us has what I term a spirit ( but which I am quite happy for others to call the soul , the higher self , the inner self — or any of dozens of different names ) and that it is this spirit which has a journey to make through several lifetimes .
2 Dora says that it is this originality which is one of the strengths of Le Mystere ; ‘ Most of the women have no real training as singers .
3 When a speaker takes the trouble to use a restrictive relative clause in a noun phrase equipped with a definite article but no attributive adjective , it will naturally be presumed that it is this clause which makes recognition possible ; there is no need for such an assumption when the clause is non-restrictive .
4 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
5 The four soldiers , who are now all stationed in Germany but were then in Bordon , each said in evidence that it was this incident which had persuaded them to leave the pub .
6 When one sees that it was this snobbery which he set out to attack , it is possible to understand why he set about the delicate problem of pain in so breezy a fashion .
7 I feel that it shows itself in the contrast between the child 's — we 're talking about children for the moment , although obviously there are dyslexic adults — it shows itself in the contrast between the person 's ability to express him or herself in words and their ability to put it down on paper and to read it off paper , and it 's this contrast which often arouses one 's suspicions that there might be some problem and , having gone into it a little , we find that it stems from a failure of the sensory motor system — the brain is n't processing the information it 's receiving through the ear and eye .
8 However , it 's the notes in the former chord which by intervallic interchange become chromatic notes in the latter chord , and it 's this approach which produces the most effective results .
9 And it 's this approach which is a key the scheme 's success .
10 This is the role of commercial group 's distribution services and it 's this department which has drawn up a new packaging policy and code of practice .
11 Today , gold is mixed with a variety of alloys to enhance these qualities , and it is this mixture which determines its value and purity .
12 Instead it qualifies the property inherent in the noun used ( see Chapter 1 ) , thereby producing a complex property which is different both from the simplex properties and from their simple sum or union ; and it is this property-complex which is relevant to the relation of identification .
13 And it is this money which can be channelled , undetected , into the slush funds via foreign banks .
14 There could be no Durkheimian solution to such ills , for Freud 's model of man-in-society included the idea of instinctual gratification and repression , and it is this dimension which is lacking in Durkheim 's thought .
15 Some concern has also been expressed about the impact of conglomerate mergers on the economy and it is this issue which is addressed next .
16 And it is this call which OUP hopes to answer in the plan outlined here .
17 These , accumulating during this second period created an almost limitless reservoir of units and it is this reservoir which can be regarded as being identified with the state of the Created God at the time of the dawn of civilisation .
18 I would perhaps rather always see the " real " world in respect to art in these terms — that to know an object is to transform it , and it is this transformation which is the form and imagery of art .
19 For whatever reason , British society places much emphasis on solidarity with others rather than competition between individuals , and it is this phenomenon which is often mistaken for class ’
20 And it is this approach which leads to denunciation of Derrida as a nihilist ; in Frederick Crews 's words , ‘ an intellectual nihilist , though a learned and exuberant one ’ .
21 On the contrary , they are speculation and interpretation congealed into a tradition , and it is this tradition which is constantly mistaken for fact .
22 Thus the tied cottage system emerged directly from the desire of farmers to control labour supplies — and it is this concern which remains at the heart of the system today .
23 We can suppose , then , that only justified beliefs can justify others ; and it is this thought which generates the regress .
24 Once your registration status is up to date you will be sent a plastic card containing your name and Personal Identification Number ( PIN ) and it is this card which constitutes evidence of your ‘ licence to practise ’ .
25 At no time did the defendants tell the plaintiff of Mr. Perot 's proposed purchase of Vertigo and it is this fact which has given rise to the present litigation .
26 Assumptions now become part of the information system and it is this aspect which must not be overlooked by the manager .
27 So the request for une glace in a restaurant unambiguously refers to ice-cream and it is this aspect which must be interpreted .
28 There is a potential civilised nature to Ireland , and it is this side which asks English help .
29 It is estimated that about 15 per cent of the population , mostly in the rural areas , earn less than Z$100 a year , and it is this group which is facing the most difficulties in keeping their children at school .
30 The debate , amongst both academics and practitioners , which emerged from these reports is still going on and it is this debate which is of interest to schools .
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