Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be [adv] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You mean you were sitting where you are now and you told the glass to topple over and it did ? ’
2 At a certain point you may appear to be back where you were before but you can not quite be sure .
3 So were you born here moved to Malton , moved back here and then moved to Malton or you were here and they you moved to Malton when she lived there ?
4 ‘ Well , now that I 'm here and you 've apparently succeeded in your nasty little ploy , where do I sleep ? ’
5 And I make sure that I 'm here and I open up for them , and I make them a cup of tea .
6 So , anyway , I must have been downstairs doing something and I do n't ne sh sh I did n't know what time this interview feller was coming only , that I was downstairs and I heard Tracey say , oh what 's his name then Mike ?
7 Then suddenly I get a call saying , ‘ We are going on the road , ’ so I was in and it was fantastic .
8 Anyway , now that you 're here and we 'll be getting to know one another better , I 'm sure nothing like that will happen again . ’
9 Getting in can be quite difficult , but once you are in and you work hard , it will work for you .
10 I know one night that we were there and it said Mr is upstairs
11 She made a lot of conventional noises , of course ; she had to because you ca n't have Rose and Grace getting any sillier than they are already and they might have taken it into their heads to copy you , but I could see she thought you had real spirit .
12 André asked , once they were outside and he had started the car .
13 You do n't know that it 's there but I do .
14 The point is , however , that it was there and it was growing ; and no ruler in the uncertain world of the 1530s could afford to ignore even limited evidence of its existence within his country .
15 eleven forty six , he 's got them inside , I think I told you about this did n't I ? , and I was inside helping them out like , he was outside , he did n't have his gas mask , we were doing the things , like M B C stuff , and I 'm inside and he said right you will each go to a post , where inside this tent , each to go to er , erm , cos there was six people inside and like there was six posts , he said you each got to a post inside the tent and on the you will pick up the tent , and I new what was coming , done it before sort of thing and erm , were all in M B C stuff cos there 's still lots of gas , but there was n't for very long , and he said right on the you will , er he just said , we picked it up right , were all fucking all fucking I said go on then ,
16 And I was downstairs and they used to be up upstairs was the man what cut all the stuff up , do you see ?
17 Pete has never touched my hair in my life and there was some downstairs in that bathroom downstairs and I thought hey that looks a bit of fun , I 'll have a go at that and erm and I was outside and I took my hair down , I 'd just washed it and I said oh look , you know , I used this hair thickening shampoo do you think it looks thicker , as a joke , and he goes yeah it does actually , yeah it really does .
18 And when I took those I did n't come down for a , and that frightened me , I said to Russell I will never ever take speed because it 's if , I was er we were in the pub right on a Sunday morning and I was there but I was n't there , I was somewhere else .
19 That evening , pacing the floor of his chamber before the most able of his mormaers and his churchmen , he had said , ‘ What would I do if I were Siward and I had just lost all hope of my heirs ruling Northumbria ?
20 Well if I 'm there and I 'm a guest if she cooked for her and Martin she ca n't just ignore me !
21 She was going to bed she had a paper under her arm and her and her bag and she 's off and she got up out of , so my mum said right I 'm going now sort of , goodnight !
22 He was trying to go upstairs last night cos she was upstairs and I would n't let him .
23 If you 're , if you 're outside and you get really cold what do you do ?
24 Of course it has become more sophisticated now , there 's cars waiting and , but firemen are very very like that , we train firemen , they have their gear ready , erm I 'm told by , by most of the firemen that they have a chair there with their trousers on them and his shirt and his shoes and , and his car is ready in , in the drive way or his bike is ready in the driveway and , and he 's away and he 's , he 's on a fire station in a matter of a few , few minutes .
25 And then of course he tells me about punk rock and he was there and he was the meaning of punk rock .
26 Suddenly there was a rush of water and he was there and she grabbed at him and then the world and white water spun as he entered her again , deeply , thoroughly , moving so desperately that she moaned against his mouth .
27 So erm mum went down one day and he was there and she said he were with my sister 's boy , they were both sleeping rough .
28 You do n't erm the other day I thought to myself I 'll walk up , see if that shop 's still there and by the time , you know er I was dreaming obviously , and I 'd walked by , I 'd got time actually , I was killing time so er I thought oh you silly I said er you 've still not er found out , so I went back and it is there but it 's not some , it 's not a shop
29 And it was just But I do n't er I do n't seem as though er it was er sometimes I saw I saw a spot of blood , but it
30 a non arbitr , well let's use their language , objective criteria on which it 's judge application to the membership , erm , and I 'm only , I 'm only imagining this , but I 'm , but as a matter of common sense one would of thought that one would n't like subjective or arbitrary and er indeed unknown criteria to apply erm , as , as in my point of view , as a matter of fairness , but er my question is and it was before and I , I 'm not sure I hoist in your answer , where , where does that fit in to article eighty five ? ,
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