Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be [adv] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 We can find out far easier what is really required , and they can begin to realize that we 're not just a set of photographs at back of church with names underneath , that we 're actually person who are thinking of speaking .
2 ‘ Quite a few employers are biased against ex-service people because they have misconceptions that they are either robots who only take orders , or that they will run around handing orders out .
3 For , among other reasons , Turks did not fit into a Zuwaya genealogy ; in theory , it is possible to find all forty shaikhs who appeared from time to time in Zuwaya stories in a genealogy ( although it is only anthropologists who are sufficiently naive to ask which men were the victims and where did they fit in lists of ancestors ) .
4 I mean I think I 'd like to comment on the way some of the discussion was going earlier , because although it 's true that it 's largely men who are seen as creating the problem , there are certainly large numbers of men in positions of authority in the university who are very concerned about it , and who have been led to re-examine their own behaviour , and who now comment on how uncomfortable and constrained they themselves feel .
5 When reviewers criticise software for not including such a facility the manufacturers often reply that it 's only journalists who are interested in this feature and that ‘ ordinary users ’ find a word count irrelevant .
6 Please pray that the German people will buy , read and live by the Bible ( not that it is only Germans who need to do that ! ) .
7 This strongly indicates that it is only males who have the status and power to provide , in the eyes of the relevant professionals , a credible challenge to the GP .
8 When I faltered as the realization hit me that it was n't Mum who 'd neglected me , but I who 'd neglected Mum , Pyke said gently , ‘ I think you may like to be in my next production . ’
9 Recognising that as movement caused him to return to his normal self , he would soon realise that it was not Elizabeth who had found him , Sarah took one last chance .
10 Rostov thought that it was undoubtedly Alexei who was the attraction , especially for the women .
11 Damn him for dissembling ; for pretending to Daniel that he was n't wounded to the core at being passed over , pretending that it was only Anna who was suffering , as if it were she who could not bear the lack of advancement , of increased prosperity .
12 So that it was only Creggan who heard old Minch 's final words : ‘ Help lies beyond the power of our wings and strength , it goes where our spirit goes .
13 However , closer examination of how these deprivations were experienced within care-giving households suggests that it was often carers who bore the brunt of them , while trying to protect the living standards of the disabled or elderly person :
14 In his heart , he still regarded this as women 's work , and felt humiliated that it was now Joshua who acted as Marcus Judge 's chief assistant at the dockyard .
15 So it was n't David who could n't face up to your illness at all ? ’
16 So it was probably Lefeuvre who was called in when Marius died . ’
17 Now , both my son and I are currently non-musicians who are keen to learn , but we do n't know what effect the three knobs and the sliding lever have on the front of the instrument .
18 ‘ Italian men treat women as if … as if they 're either creatures who are n't fit to do anything but cook , clean , and have babies — or expensive toys to play with . ’
19 Outside people talk about prisoners missing physical sex and the need for conjugal visits as if they were just animals who needed relief from tension .
20 We are a mystery to ourselves , and it is only God who sees into this mystery , knowing us completely .
21 It may affect very young people and they may lose all their hair , and I have at least two patients with miocencia who are bald in this way , and this type of baldness is believed to be auto-immune , so I think that one could , perhaps , jokingly suggest that Samson may also have had alopecia and it was n't Delila who cut off his hair , but his auto-antibodies that destroyed the hair making process , and all that makes poor Delila something of a victim of history and perhaps we should be springing to her defence .
22 And it was n't Iris who told us , though she had known for some time that it had come through the Strait shortly after the Belgrano had been sunk .
23 ‘ No , I 'm going out instead of Luther , although Luther does n't know it yet and if it is n't Luther who comes when you ring for a rider , then we 're in trouble .
24 At least she would have that much more experience , even if it was only Finn who kissed her .
25 It did happen at times but they were usually people who fancied their power , such as city councillors .
26 Fathers , because ultimately they control financial resources , may be the people who sign cheques or who authorize the payment of money to their children , but it is often women who mediate and negotiate such gifts and loans ( Morris , 1983 ) .
27 Erm well we all know what 's going to happen and they sort of give an idea of the plot but it 's only Marlowe who does n't know .
28 Other 's forgive me for the wrong doing , and for the harm I do to them , but it 's only God who can forgive my sin .
29 But it was n't Jozef who finally told me the truth — which of the three suspects had taken the pieces of silver .
30 But it was n't Ward who poked his head up the companionway .
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