Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be [noun] and [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The wagons were taken by traverser to the Wagon Shop for final coats of paint and the completed wagons were taken to the Gravel Sidings where they were brake and steam tested ( if fitted with same ) .
2 it 's flies and heat ; or it 's boats and rope
3 We have come through it to the extent that I am north and west Belfast Branch Secretary .
4 She had known they were n't going to make love the moment the sound of that door being either opened or closed had penetrated , and flooding in had come the memory that she was Mr and Mrs Hepwood 's guest .
5 So you are Mr and Mrs Young ?
6 ‘ And yet once you were warmth and sensuality .
7 Certainly I and probably all the other lesbians in BLGC have come across racism in the predominantly white lesbian movement , for instance , the idea that race and issues of imperialism are irrelevant all that matters is the fact that we 're women and lesbians and that 's the only way that people are oppressed .
8 The fact is that — that we 're oil and water .
9 Justification is , as I have said , a declarative doctrine that we are sons and daughters of a heavenly Father .
10 It means accepting that we are sons and servants of the Creator Who made the world .
11 Of her own marriage she said ‘ Sometimes I forget that we are husband and wife .
12 Ministers regularly say that the opted-out units are independent , so the Minister can not then argue that they are part and parcel of the structure .
13 It is difficult even to name them , for I sense that they are urges and longings that spring up from the deep , like streams of water gathering in the darkness below ground before they emerge through the rock into the light of day .
14 According to Walsingham , whose account of the parliament is admittedly full of malice and prejudice , Gaunt was amazed at the commons ' attitude : ‘ Do they think , he said , that they are kings and princes in this land ?
15 I pronounce that they be Man and Wife .
16 You mentioned that they were oaks and ash and broad leaved trees .
17 Christine de Pisan and Alain Chartier are two such who also attract the attention of historians for a different reason , namely that they were observers and critics of the world of early fifteenth-century France , both of them having things to say which , they hoped , would turn it into a better world .
18 There were stars , brilliant and manufactured , so many of them , ridiculous to believe that they were suns and planets .
19 Both glanced at her curiously , and she guessed that they were brother and sister , with the same large , rather vacant brown eyes , and amiable bovine faces .
20 Although there was nine years between them , there was no doubt that they were brother and sister ; they each had the same deep intense eyes that were their dead father 's legacy , and Patrick had inherited his father 's square chin , and wiry black hair .
21 The television was on although it was morning and Lee was half-watching through the kitchen hatch .
22 So you can see what you go into the master bedroom there 's a man and a woman in bed , is n't it obvious in a second that it 's not that it 's Mr and Mrs ?
23 The difficulties that sometimes occur is that erm universities are I would say with some justice do n't always accept that it is Government and Government departments , ministers and civil servants , who are best equipped to define the social needs .
24 In particular , we shall insist on the principle that it is speakers and writers who have topics , not texts .
25 Be very clear , he wrote : I do not feel that it is time and thought wasted because the end result is less than I had hoped .
26 She thought afterwards , and was to think for a long time , that it was Sophie and Teodor who saved her .
27 A purist could argue that it was class and function that set these store owners up for assault , but on the streets , in the full fury of those 48 hours , stretching from the mid-afternoon Wednesday verdict in Simi Valley , any Korean would have been fair game .
28 At Sara 's and David 's entrance , the girl stepped back convulsively from the man , and Sara saw with a dull feeling of inevitability that it was Matthew and Sandra .
29 Friday so it 's Wednesday and Friday , right ?
30 And I 'm flesh and blood , at least .
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