Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb -s] [adv] and [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 it was n't good because erm I did n't love him and right so , so if I kissed him and met him the next day would I , would I snog , would , would he , he 'd give me the hat so I said yeah sure , you know , whatever , so he goes okay and he like prepared himself and goes no I ca n't do it in here and so I had to go outside with him , snog him , got his hat and pissed off , never saw him again .
2 There 's this girl and she comes home and she goes , mum I wan na be like you .
3 And erm , he throws the corn on the cob , he goes inside gets a drink , eats some food cos there 's loads of food cos you know and he goes outside and he goes quick , quick , quick loads of food , loads of food , quick , come on , come on , come on , loads of food !
4 And he does so and he finds and squares the ball to his right , Alan made an advance for it but it 's was there first , put ball forward looking for and it 's just beyond the fair haired striker and races away to pick it up .
5 I thought oh god shut up , you know , you 've got children , oh he 's really horrible and he stands there and he 's looking at all the women every one that comes and he smiles and then hello , hello
6 A wise man back in Proverbs , he reminds us and he puts this solemn warning , and he reminds there and he says i in Proverbs , chapter twenty nine and verse twenty five , the fear of man brings a snare .
7 I 'm not saying another word until he gets here and you lot can certainly forget any idea that I 'll sign anything . ‘
8 He said : ‘ I wo n't say wish you were here since it rains incessantly and I am not a sadist .
9 Well you see , Tony 's got them here but he ai n't got them there so he 's , when he sits there and he 's relaxed his face goes
10 It did not touch as many people as it does today and it would have been difficult to see precisely what kind of partisan gloss could have been put on the matter .
11 On the other hand , if a question is asked exactly as it appears here and you give an answer which has clearly been prepared in advance and learned off by heart you will not be very convincing .
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