Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [is] now [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 However , although it is now widely used , the term ‘ Internal Market ’ would appear to embrace more than one concept .
2 Surprising though it may seem , although it is now well established that this is a serious problem with gliding , it is almost unknown in power flying circles or in the Air Force and it is taking many years to convince authorities .
3 However , a good number of geographers have conducted recreational surveys in the last 20 years and a good deal of experience in the methods and techniques for conducting visitor surveys , in particular , has been obtained , so that it is now generally agreed that the following procedure should be followed :
4 Lord Justice Browne-Wilkinson said that it is now apparently accepted that it is for the courts to decide whether a privilege exists and for the House of Commons to decide whether such privilege has been infringed .
5 In the case of a company you can alter its residence status simply by ensuring that it is now centrally managed and controlled outside the UK .
6 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE is leaving the restaurant , I ask him whether he feels that he 's now best known in Britain for chasing chickens .
7 It is in the north that Richard 's power was greatest and he is now usually regarded as a northern figure .
8 It is in the north that Richard 's power was greatest and he is now usually regarded as a northern figure .
9 Some art historians detect the hand of Leonardo himself on the canvas , and it 's now generally accepted to be the most perfect version of the Last Supper in existence .
10 Later that same year both Sandoz and Geigy acquired a financial interest in CAC and it is now wholly owned by Ciba-Geigy .
11 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
12 There is a rich variety of different forecasting procedures , and it is now generally accepted that no one method is ‘ best ’ in every situation , but rather that the choice depends on various practical considerations .
13 As we have shown , it remained a separate establishment following the reorganization of public sector higher education in Wales and it is now widely recognized as a national institution offering full-time and part-time courses for professional performers of Music and Drama , together with honours BEd .
14 The importance of the family for the prevention of delinquent behaviour was also recognized and it is now widely accepted that the delinquent child and his or her family are in need of the same kind of attention as the deprived child and his or her family .
15 We will not assign these spectra in detail , but it is now generally accepted that the ruthenium complex has three units held together only by metal-metal bonding , whereas the iron complex has bridging CO ligands , as well as many terminal ones .
16 There is still uncertainty about the origins of the Lombards — frequently called the Longobards — but it is now generally agreed that they were central European , and probably arrived over the Alps from Hungary .
17 But it 's now completely dried up .
18 But it 's now widely tipped as one labour can win .
19 While it is now widely accepted that an effective solution should rely in major part on a co-ordinated interagency and interprofessional effort ( DHSS , 1988 ) , the possibilities range from those that provide immediate relief ( tertiary prevention ) to long-term strategies designed to change attitudes , values , behaviour and circumstances ( primary prevention ) .
20 For business the notion that employees are the most valuable ‘ capital item ’ is relatively recent , though it is now widely accepted .
21 The large unit known as the syssel , a subdivision of the country broadly similar to the English shire , is in Jutland believed to be pre-Christian , although its function is something of an open question , as it is now best known in connection with later ecclesiastical organisation .
22 A new dimension of communication education was added by Central Committee in 1989 , namely , Media Awareness Training , also known as Media Literacy , Media Pedagogy , Critical Reading or , as it is now usually called , Media Education .
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