Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [is] not [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The salesperson should open with a smile , a handshake and , in situations where he or she is not well known to the buyer , introduce himself and the company he represents .
2 The employee should not need to show that the perception is incorrect nor that he or she is not actually disabled at all .
3 When a child goes to school he or she is not only confronted with the traditional school subjects , but also with codes and practices governing behaviour .
4 The social and economic performance of a city inevitably reflects — although it is not exclusively determined by — the fortunes of the larger region in which it is located .
5 County council chiefs believe the project is important both locally and nationally — and propose the authority gives ‘ substantial funds ’ to help , although it is not yet known how much .
6 Although it is not yet known if the H2T cell line expresses TGF α , these findings go some way to support the hypothesis proposed by Korc and others that TGF α may have a role as an autocrine growth stimulator in pancreatic cancer .
7 Also found on dunes is the Variegated horse-tail community , which may occur where there are records of Equisetum variegatum , although it is not actually recorded from the Outer Hebrides .
8 Although it is not explicitly stated that this sea-monster was the father of eponymous founder of the Merovingian dynasty , that is clearly the impression which Fredegar intended to give .
9 ‘ There is still a place for old favourites such as viscaria , a plant I loved growing as a child although it is not much seen today .
10 Well I I 'm I think that er I 'm less worried about dating it cos I think it actually quite important to date it , like the war memorial ground and actually fairly closely although it 's not actually dated to the end of the war , I mean it was nineteen fifty two when it was established .
11 Bryan Adams has a tremendous knack of writing very catchy and memorable guitar parts , and although he 's not particularly known as a lead soloist his rhythm playing approach is well worth looking at .
12 Chairman , er if I might I was going to refer again to the care carefully worded recommendation which does n't actually mention the level of erm it simply mentions erm er a modest extent of under provision because clearly it says elsewhere in the report at two ten that it 's not yet known whether there will be opportunities elsewhere , so that 's a particular shortfall in provision to be made up .
13 Epilepsy , despite the known medical facts that it commonly " burns out " after ten years and that it is not normally associated with disorders of personality , nonetheless still causes considerable concern in society .
14 Suppose that the brochure mentions a particular hotel and states that it is not yet completed .
15 Much so-called ‘ atonal ’ music is only music with a tonal foundation so obscured or disrupted that it is not easily perceived .
16 Will he ensure that it is not unfairly excluded as a result of the foreign dumping of inferior chain ?
17 In the reader example , the fact that the person is female may be of such insignificance that it is not even included as an attribute .
18 A change in status may occur without a change of version ( since the text itself is unaltered ) , and represents an investment of editorial labour which should be recorded so that it is not needlessly repeated e.g. after database recovery due to media failure .
19 An important feature of Larrain 's analysis of Marx 's concept of ideology is that it is not directly determined by the material relations of production .
20 I have taken a little time to sketch the history of paragraph 16.5 of Code C in order to show that it is not directly linked to the ancient and deep-rooted privilege against self-incrimination .
21 The idea points to a kind of dynamic joy of understanding between creator and creation ; that it is not constantly felt is due to sin .
22 You may argue that he is not easily panicked .
23 The impression the debtor seeks to give in his affidavit evidence is that he is not well placed financially .
24 It is now suggested that ‘ he does n't know anything about politics ’ — in effect , that he is not medically qualified for his spin-doctoring consultancy .
25 and on Joe 's visit to London he realises that he is not really appreciated and leaves as he has too much dignity .
26 The gift will have been one subject to a reservation either because the gift is treated as a class gift to all the discretionary beneficiaries and the donor is one of them ( so he is not entirely excluded from the property ) or , possibly because he has retained a benefit ( there is an ability to benefit him under the terms of the trust deed ) .
27 Of course , this practice runs the risk of losing the bird , so it 's not often done .
28 This galloping course will suit his action and he is not badly treated at the weights on his best form .
29 He won two handicap hurdles last season over this course and has had two races to tune him up again and he is not badly handicapped .
30 Well , I think he was good player — but playing in that Liverpool side was nt difficult , and he s not really played for any other side so its hard to tell exactly how good he is .
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