Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 On these journeys , however , he had n't been fortunate , as some of the fellows in the camp had been , in finding a cottage or a house where they were invited in to tea , which often meant , so he understood , eggs and chips or even bacon , particularly if it was a farmhouse .
2 They said that if the expert departed from his instructions in a material respect , eg where he was called on to value shares in a company and he valued the wrong number of shares or shares in the wrong company , that would be sufficient .
3 She also recalled the time Tippett had ‘ flu and stayed at their home where he was nursed back to good health .
4 One week we decided to follow him to find out where he was sloping off to We found him on the roof ledge peering down at people in a car below .
5 It happened that I was called back to the farm on the following Thursday to " cleanse " a cow and was in the byre when Dodson the drover called to pick up Blossom .
6 I worshipped you , Angela , thought that I was coming back to you , and when you left me , you left me with nothing .
7 In fact I 'd told a couple of the group — Mr and Mrs Kronquist , I think it was — that I was going up to Summertown . ’
8 I felt like a portly 60 year old man with a beard , and that I was shuffling down to the shops in my espadrilles like he does , with his horrible , ratty little dog . ’
9 ‘ My father and Edwin Garland were very close friends , so much so that I was brought up to regard Beryl and Francis as cousins . ’
10 She gave every indication that she was fed up to the teeth .
11 He had brilliant powers of recovery , she realised when , with his look of surprise that she was clinging on to him barely discernible , he placed his hand lovingly over hers .
12 It was in buoyant mood that she was driven back to Merchiston Lodge , and she entered her employer 's bedchamber with a smile on her lips .
13 Alison had rung to say that she was coming up to London for an appointment and could they lunch at a restaurant to which they had both occasionally gone when working at Brentwoods , if they happened to be feeling affluent .
14 As she talked Eva revealed it was not just that she was coming back to God , but that she had realised she must give her whole self to him for the ministry .
15 Naturally she had not wanted to go out with him , but both her mother and father stressed how nice it was of him to take such an interest in the fact that she was going off to university and wanted to take her to the pictures as a treat .
16 Emily left me , mouthing as she went out of the door that she was going back to the office .
17 Tight-lipped , she told him that she was going back to Arden post-haste .
18 One observer at Yeovil said : ‘ Despite Mrs Ashdown 's reluctance to get involved , whenever the opinion polls were announced she was far more demonstrative than she was made out to be .
19 Darling — and I 'm sure this wo n't be inopportune — do n't worry about me , because I 'm really quite a ‘ happy warrior ’ ; it was the thought of leaving you , and the fact that you were going back to a hard grind , which prompted my outpourings .
20 I 'd rather got the impression that you were coming round to quite enjoying working for me . ’
21 Nor that you were giving in to Narouz . ’
22 I tried to question my master on what he had learnt from d'Aubigny , once we were shown up to our chamber , but Master Benjamin was in one of his more withdrawn moods .
23 On Oct. 1 Russian observers who had arrived in Baku , the Azerbaijani capital , on Sept. 28 to monitor the ceasefire , were reported as saying that in Kazakh district there were no hostilities and that they were to move on to Kubatlin district next day .
24 They made a short visit , I suspect that they were going on to M.J. 's [ Margaret Jourdain 's ] brother and like Dulcia [ in A House and Its Head ] expected to come by a good deal of refreshment in the course of their peregrinations .
25 On several occasions they had er displayed guns where people would back into their driveway or er show some indication that they were going on to their property , then guns were revealed , people coming out of the the buildings out there with guns and what have you .
26 It did not matter that they were going back to the house of the Scarabae .
27 Mike Fitzpatrick capsized 2 minutes before the start but managed to right himself in such a position that he was first away on the gun although he was to drop back to 30th .
28 I remember that it was pointed out to me by Jonathan Miller , bless his heart , that ‘ I have the right to change my mind ’ , and that 's true .
29 The worst part was wrestling through the urban traffic , knowing that it was coming up to sailing time .
30 Mr Mallory perceived that his ice was warm and half melted inside its chocolate coating , and that it was dripping on to his new suit .
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