Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do n't dish them out , or I 'll counteract them in a way you wo n't like . ’
2 Or I 'll open them with a shovel . ’
3 I could help these lunatics or I could fight them on behalf of Stok ; neither of those ideas appealed to me .
4 Flour beetles breed best at 25 C , so you should try to find a warm room or cupboard where you can keep them for 3 or 4 months at least .
5 As it is helpful to hear them without a break you may ask the LH to mark which words you want him to say , or you can mark them for him .
6 They can be hired by individual groups with specific needs/goals or you can join them for days on plastic or longer courses on snow .
7 Freehand , closed freehand , arc , pie wedge , open polygon , and open bezier tools can be called up from a pull down menu or you can add them to your own customised toolbox so that the most frequently tools are always close at hand .
8 Or you can phone them on 05394 44 444 .
9 Erm if you want to er to make your voice heard about it then write them letters write letters into your councillors erm and er and let them know what you think or you can write them to me and I 'll pass them on .
10 So you can convert per centages into these sorts of fractions or you can convert them into decimals .
11 If there is not room for this you might utilize the space by making slots in the counter top to take your cooking knives , or you could suspend them from a magnetic bar just above out of reach of children .
12 Or she might call them from a telephone box on a lonely road .
13 ‘ They were interested in everything they saw and were told , and obviously identified many areas where we can provide them with advice and help , ’ said Hunterston Station Chemist Peter Young who was one of their hosts .
14 that we should not have been asked to comment on … the way the curriculum would be affected by these materials and how the school itself would be looking at its way of using them , other than perhaps information skills where we could help them with commercial publications to give them some ideas .
15 ‘ Go on , Jim , for Christ 's sake , or we 'll lose them at the lights . ’
16 Or we can treat them as victims of an insurable risk .
17 They always used to go up the farm or we used to lay them in the boxes , up the yard , the church yard yeah .
18 Or they can sue them for loss of income .
19 If proceedings are commenced by the wrong originating process , eg by summons rather than by originating application , such a breach of the rules is not necessarily fatal — thecourt may set the proceedings aside or it may allow them to be amended and give such directions as it thinks fit ( Ord 37 , r 5 ) .
20 Just as he did earlier in the chapter , he warns Moses and Aaron to ‘ Get away from the midst of this congregation , that I may consume them in a moment . ’
21 If you have any other items you wish to raise at the meeting , please advise me beforehand so that I may include them on the agenda .
22 I have never been confident that I can split them with the naked eye , but 7 × 50 binoculars make it easy enough .
23 I am now trying , in vain , to uuencode the files so that I can send them to anyone who wants them thro' mail .
24 well , if you can get on with doing that thing , sit down and look through those magazines with me and I 'll show you the prices that I can get them at retail I mean at trade , all the prices cos I 've got that two and a half thousand gallon job and that is only seventy quid , so I 'm just gon na have one of those , I 'm gon na have that with a U V A filter and eight er eight watt U V A filter which is fifty quid , that then , which is for one of those tanks which is for three hundred and fifty , but that 's not , I 've that 's
25 and that means that I can photocopy them for half the price .
26 If I were to ask a school-teacher to choose for me a sample which she considered to be a fair cross-section of her pupils so that I could interview them for a survey , there would almost certainly be a personal bias in the sample given to me .
27 We called for some fish and chips to take back for all of us , but I was n't sure that I could eat them after seeing that documentary where they all had ulcers .
28 I even took some photographs of myself crying so that I could show them to Marcus later and he could see how upset I had been .
29 Since John 's abduction I had kept a diary , hoping somehow that I could capture the time John was missing , to keep things from fading so that I could share them with him when he came back .
30 The main light was behind him , but I could still see the shadows on his face ; they were more marked than ever , and I had the foolish illusion that I could remove them by stroking them with the tips of my fingers .
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