Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] come up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 to the one that I 've come up with erm I E the white headrail and
2 ‘ Tell Graham you 've made some enquiries and that you 've come up with something .
3 Okay , there was a survey carried out by British Telecom , and they asked some of their customers what were the most frustrating things that can happen to you on the telephone , and this was the answer , and some of the things that you 've come up with are here .
4 And that figure also coincides with the the estimated requirement figure that we 've come up with independently for the Greater York area , within Selby District anyway .
5 And erm , it s it seems to be an entirely er rational position for any public politician , for instance , Mrs Thatcher before the seventy-nine election , denying that she had any plans to double V A T , or Mr Major denying some of the plans for raising taxes that we 've come up with , or indeed denying plans to privatise the forestry commission .
6 Employing those conceptions , we can ask how we can know that we have succeeded in referring to anything , and how we can know that we have come up with an accurate description of what we have referred to .
7 The figure that we have come up with in fact is derived by holding constant the numbers rather than the rate of vacant dwellings through to the year two thousand and six , which implies that by the year two thousand six , we 'd have would have a vacancy rate of six point two percent or or thereabouts .
8 Erm er this o this one is not one single job as it happens but it is the kind of thing that we have come up against before and I 've put them the things together in one so that we do n't identify people really under the circumstances .
9 Are fishkeepers really so publicity hungry that they have to come up with quotations such as the Sun 's reported comment from Christine ‘ If we ca n't find a new home ’ ( for the Gourami ) ‘ we 'll just have to eat him . ’
10 For students all too easily feel that they have to come up with negative assessments if their appraisals are to be worth anything .
11 Since then I 've been thinking it over and I 've come up with an idea .
12 Now I 'm going to talk to you later , meantime you go down to Level Five and stay there until you 've come up with a plan to infiltrate Finland .
13 ‘ It ca n't be helping much , if you keep coming up with crazy ideas about what I 'm supposed to be up to . ’
14 And that helped , because then you have no preconceived ideas , so if you do come up with something , it 's going to be something unusual . ’
15 If you want to come up to Manchester , ’ said Jonquil , ‘ just drop me a line .
16 In addition to the note I gave you about the AO Development course , we 've been discussing the range of courses available , and we 've come up with the following ‘ wants list ’ .
17 ‘ We have applied for charitable status and we have come up with a slogan , Only Together We Can Win . ’
18 And they 've come up with a splendid route , over 80 miles of miles of deep valley walks , riverside and forest walks ending with a cliff top section at Filey .
19 And they 've come up with several suggestions .
20 Many people have looked at this before and they 've come up with various prognostic markers , some of which are extremely complicated .
21 Either way it should be helpful Now , interestingly people , more recently , and by that the late seventies and the eighties , have attempted to actually operationalise and measure the principles and they 've come up with some fairly ingen ingenious experimental designs to take tha to explore these avenues .
22 The 18 months that Del Amitri have been away from the spotlight have n't been wasted and they 've come up with some belting songs to prove it .
23 You come back dog-tired in the evening , and they start coming up to you : somebody 's stolen my wife , somebody 's raped my daughter , my eyes hurt , I want a new pair of trousers … ’
24 I wonder if they have come up against a rapacity of the of the rates .
25 I know that Jacqueline , you may well get it right , but you have come up with hard work sometime do n't you ?
26 ‘ You 're on the verge of losing it anyway unless you start coming up with some answers . ’
27 ‘ Our resources are limited , but we hope to come up with some constructive recommendations , ’ said Coun Coppinger after the group 's first meeting yesterday .
28 And th and can I restate the view of British Rail , there is little or no prospect of a new station being opened up on the east coast main route main line , because of the four track configuration , which I 'm sure you 'll have seen on your when you 've come up to York by tr by train .
29 It can not be much fun to have a big crowd turn against you when you have come up with the top score of the day , inspired your team , and done your best to uphold the game 's standards of decency and chivalry .
30 Do n't these people realise that dozens of reviewers are likely to spend several hours gazing blankly at the album sleeve as they try to come up with some natty simile to describe the musical contents therein ?
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