Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] back to the " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until some years later that I came back to the question of the receptors and showed that the most dramatic effects involved the NMDA glutamate receptor I mentioned in the last chapter ( but wo n't discuss further here ) .
2 By early evening , I was just too bored to stick the place any longer so I went back to the hotel .
3 Their life was already hard enough , so I went back to the wild fruit in the woods .
4 She hesitated over several , dark , rather unobtrusive garments in one corner , thinking that they looked harmless until two creeping , fog-like hands reached for her and an evil chuckle filled the room , so that she shot back to the room 's centre out of their reach .
5 Her legs took the decision from her , buckling so quickly that she stumbled back to the bed .
6 She tried reading him Wordsworth and Tennyson and Browning but he would sigh and interrupt her when she did , so she went back to the lighter Kipling poems and he would lie and grin happily to himself and make her read his favourite passages over and over again .
7 Suddenly rain poured down , and although we hurried back to the house , we were quite wet when we arrived in the hall .
8 That 's right , , it 's a , it 's a , so my mother and I said we 're going back to that hotel , you know , were very , very kind of luxury type , so we went back to the hotel and my brother and I went into the room where we had a television view on the sea , very beautiful .
9 By then it was too late to get the room and I walked back to the spot where I had committed the robbery .
10 The police sounded surprised that I had bothered to call them , and I walked back to the boatyard feeling strangely foolish .
11 As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open car , one man in the crowd called out , ‘ When 's the wedding ? ’
12 Leaving Joy to help Miss Prescott with what are called the last offices ( Joy is also a trained nurse ) , Alan and I went back to the house and between us brought the coffin down from the loft .
13 I told the co-pilot to take over and I went back to the radio room and saw Charlie with blood all over his head and the front of his flight suit ’ .
14 It was now early July , and I went back to the Usk to film the silver-grey mink .
15 He hung up and I went back to the salon .
16 However , they caused me no ill and I staggered back to the Golden Turk and the tender care of the slattern , a bowl of rich broth and countless frothing tankards of ale .
17 So I rounded up my bird-fancying friends ' old copies of Cage and Aviary and studied them until I got back to the very beginning of the season , early March .
18 It was not until I wandered back to the harbour that I realised the wind had freshened .
19 And the two rounds in the morning you did the bottom half of , for the first round and you went back to the shop and you got another bag full of papers and you did the top half of , if you know it .
20 He turned the horse away and walked off , ignoring her , and she went back to the house seething with annoyance .
21 They smiled and waved at her , and she hurried back to the desk blushing .
22 He agreed , and we went back to the ball .
23 And we went back to the home and got Camellia . ’
24 In the late afternoon the weather cleared and we walked back to the youth hostel .
25 Benjamin linked his arm through mine and we walked back to the manor house .
26 Friendship is more important than mountaineering , and so for their sakes I told them they 'd done very well and we turned back to the prospect of a more leisurely Sunday afternoon , with colour supplements , cats , coffee and carpets to lie on .
27 But the ‘ mozzies ’ finally won the day and we retreated back to the safety of the ‘ bus ’ to lick our wounds and to hunt out our supplies of insect repellent !
28 I think if we went back to the Inca ways , things would get better .
29 Above the uproar , Gerrard signaled furiously at the men with the microphones , and they fell back to the sides of the studio , pulling the microphones away from eagerly reaching hands , and Gerrard began to walk backward toward the dais , looking from side to side as he went .
30 She was most solicitous ( scheming bitch ! ) so he told her that his wife was cured and they went back to the same old routine .
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