Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] he with the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I heard about Froggy , ’ he said , ‘ and that you found him with the shaft of a golf club stuck through his gullet , ’ he finished brightly .
2 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
3 Some entrepreneurial showmen then decided they would try to make money out of his popularity and they caught him with the hope of transporting him to London to put on display .
4 The Barons in England were furious at John and they presented him with the Great Charter — Magna Carta — prepared by Archbishop Langston , to which John authorised the attachment of his seal at Runnymede , beside the River Thames , in June 1215 .
5 I went to punch him but I caught him with the crowbar instead . ’
6 He altered that to , ‘ Can you put the light out , dear ? ’ when she bashed him with the book and asked him to repeat what he had said .
7 Later , as he rode home in the cool night air , a vision of old Bert 's delighted face as he presented him with the larger fish invaded his mind 's eye , and filled him with contentment .
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