Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] he with [art] " in BNC.

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1 What she was sure of , though , was that she wanted him with every fibre of her being .
2 ‘ I heard about Froggy , ’ he said , ‘ and that you found him with the shaft of a golf club stuck through his gullet , ’ he finished brightly .
3 He was being kind , she could tell , and not probing further , so she rewarded him with a rather watery smile , and said sententiously , ‘ There 's always a first time for everything . ’
4 Mr Sanchez recalls that on one occasion , Mr Keith Richards , a musician once fond of exotic medication , was so vexed by his hound Caesar 's nocturnal barking that he administered him with a soporific known colloquially as a ‘ mandie ’ .
5 So I said OK , and I gave him a real fancy one — it was like topiary , and I left him with a rude word on the back of his head .
6 I said that he could try to put the cube together and I left him with the pieces while I went to fetch some paper .
7 And she left him with a quick glance from her eyes , dark as an otter 's pelt , and a smile that was like a gift .
8 Her face closed in and she eyed him with a return of the defiance and challenge he had seen in her eyes at first .
9 Some entrepreneurial showmen then decided they would try to make money out of his popularity and they caught him with the hope of transporting him to London to put on display .
10 They got him in the boat and they he had to lie down in the bottom of the boat and they and they covered him with a tarpaulin .
11 The Barons in England were furious at John and they presented him with the Great Charter — Magna Carta — prepared by Archbishop Langston , to which John authorised the attachment of his seal at Runnymede , beside the River Thames , in June 1215 .
12 I went to punch him but I caught him with the crowbar instead . ’
13 ’ Bramble began , but she silenced him with a glare from the astonishing blue eyes .
14 He hopped close to my feet and waited till I presented him with a bun all to himself , and he had hard work nibbling it and taking it along with him to his home .
15 Mr Smith looked at some of the papers on his desk for a moment , " … ah yes , Mr Partridge had to go to hospital for a tetanus injection and stitches after you struck him with a shovel .
16 When she attacked him with a 12-inch butcher 's knife , he punched her , and that brought that troubled relationship to a troubled end .
17 But he says he was defending himself when she threatened him with a knife .
18 A masked man who broke into a woman 's house at Newbiggin , Northumberland , fled empty handed when she threatened him with a walking stick .
19 He altered that to , ‘ Can you put the light out , dear ? ’ when she bashed him with the book and asked him to repeat what he had said .
20 Then , as she skewered him with a look of pure detestation , he reached out suddenly and caught her by the wrists .
21 Later , as he rode home in the cool night air , a vision of old Bert 's delighted face as he presented him with the larger fish invaded his mind 's eye , and filled him with contentment .
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