Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] give [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Edward Gillespie says that they wanted to give their racegoers something extra and more excitement … and when times are hard this is one way of getting more owners into the sport
2 He felt sorry for his opponent , whose close friend and helper had been taken to hospital during the race , so he decided to give his spirits a lift by allowing him to win , but did so without letting anyone else realise exactly what was happening .
3 Often , apprentice footballers refuse to sign professional forms seeing them , as one Midland youth put it , as ‘ bad risks ’ ; and young boxers would , in the pugilistic vernacular , ‘ swallow ’ before they had given their careers time to bloom — usually on the say-so of parents .
4 When he had given his orders and they were alone he said : ‘ You were rough on her , Phyllis . ’
5 For he had given her gifts beyond dreaming .
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