Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] give [pers pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was true that I had given him life but I had not given him love .
2 He was more modest than I 'd given him credit for .
3 Either he loved Kirsty less than she had given him credit for , or he hated Shiona even more fiercely than she had ever suspected .
4 On top of all that Copper has always had a dust allergy and he got very congested so we had to give him powders to keep his lungs clear .
5 It has a weird effect , so bad one day that they had to give me valium to take off my bandages because I could n't handle it any more .
6 Yeah , yeah six minutes past the hour so there , yeah , so they kept giving you doubts , now if you 're getting on this train make sure you get out at Lemington , so at about twenty past twelve , the twelve six went out from platform eleven , why , cos that will upset everything then , by , few of the trains kept coming round , then they said were very sorry but the Shrewsbury train will come in at platform ten that 's where we 're all waiting , so the ready train be outside somewhere , so , that came in just as the , the twelve , six went out about twenty past twelve these in and this girl got up so we said do n't get on this , you 'll never get to Birmingham you get on here , wait until we get on we said , cos they changed the train , oh she was getting all worked up , she come from Middlesborough , well I said well , well , anyway , we said no , there , there 's no trains for university no , nobody will be going at the right time will they ?
7 Blast , I 'd forgotten all about that little oddity , although it did give me pause at the time .
8 Hazel was beginning to feel that all would be well and that Bigwig had more sense than he had given him credit for , when Fiver sat up on his hind legs , cleaned his face with his paws and then , for the first time , looked directly at him .
9 I said we needed a weekend , real time , for both of us , and you said give it time .
10 If she had given him time he would have been able to show her passion , he knew , but it was hard for him to relax and act confidently after years of being cowed in a stern loveless household .
11 Not a word had she received from Pilade 's father as to his son 's welfare all this long time and if she had given him cause , as he might argue , to abandon her she had given him no such leave to forget his child .
12 Now I , that sounds like a cancel of despair , at least coming from , fo , from your view point , if there 's nothing to be said to dissuade people , and I 'm sure you could if you wanted to give us horror stories , and scare stories
13 He was sure that he was saved because he had the words of Christ and they had given him assurance .
14 He sued to love the sun and it seemed to give him life but now as they drag his limp body into the sun they realise that nothing will wake him , not even the sun .
15 But they had given him photographs .
16 Then there 's Bernard , who does n't know how well he 's supposed to be doing because you failed to give him standards of performance that he could measure his efforts by .
17 It was my blood because he had given me mouth to mouth resuscitation .
18 She excused herself hurriedly and left , returning with a great bustle to announce her coming , when she had given him time to compose himself .
19 He was standing there with Mrs Kasmin as she tried to give him tea .
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