Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
2 That would drive him to madness , to the place they most wanted him , the place in which it would be even more difficult to find the Key ; an institution , a hospital where they filled you up with all sorts of disgusting drugs and deliberately kept you as stupid as the rest .
3 ‘ That sound changes as I go from the window that I picked it up in , to a different window , or to the desktop . ’
4 So I thought , ‘ Ah , I 'll just write it anyway , ’ so I made it up from beginning to end .
5 When I wrote it in 1971 there was a postal strike , so I took it up to the BBC personally .
6 It was not too big or cumbersome to take away so I packed it up in my stout old haversack and stepping out of the ruins of the boilerhouse , returned to the shed .
7 Lyn took one of the gravel paths into the grounds of the general hospital , walking towards the sun that dazzled her eyes so that she screwed them up against it .
8 So if our mum had cut it up into twelve pieces and then only three people wanted pizza so she cut it up into twelve twelfths and then said who wants pizza and only three people wanted pizza she 'd now have to put some of these twelfths back together again then and just three of us how many twelfths would we get ?
9 Even so she found it impossible to keep her mind properly on her own problems when he continued to look at her like that , so she picked him up on one niggling point that continued to irritate her .
10 Yes , so you divided it up like that
11 It was pouring with rain , so we dolled ourselves up in wet-weather gear and swayed like Michelin men back down the lakeside path nicknamed by Stuart the Yellow Brick Road .
12 So at the moment with the earning that they paid you up to date two hundred and fifty quid I ca n't give you reduced advice under the legal aid system at the moment because you 're still being paid .
13 Marks said : ‘ So they made you up to DI . ’
14 By the time they reached a point half-way to the island the water had reached their hips so they gave it up as a bad job and began to enjoy themselves .
15 Although his initial interest had been aroused because of the connection between current problems and events which may have taken place in a former life , he became so enthralled by the topic that he took it up for its own sake .
16 Shields , of Carnac Crescent , Inverness , was said to have felt so guilty that he gave himself up to police after selling some of the haul to pay for drink .
17 on my own , brought them from Canada and I brought them up without any help from my ex-husband and I would n't of wanted it any other way .
18 And I brought them up on Monday night
19 ‘ If only there 'd been more time , ’ said Kelly , ‘ I 'd have tried to help her work out a clear-cut characterisation , but we had a tight schedule and I left it up to her . ’
20 I must have been mad for a few hours , and I swept you up in it too .
21 Yet fear it I did , so greatly did the idea come to me that if I took her up to the cave to meet Elsbeth , she would somehow have trapped me instead of I her .
22 I thought if I wrapped myself up in chickenwire and cut myself out again I would be left with a realistic shape .
23 Cos I looked it up in the paper !
24 She preferred to use vagina — until she looked it up in the dictionary , which gave its etymology ( vagina is Latin for ‘ sheath ’ , as in where you keep your sword ) .
25 ‘ It was good of you to get in touch with me , Simon , ’ she murmured as he hooked down the loft-ladder and she followed him up into the roof space .
26 Her first major film part was in Grease 2 ( which flopped ) and she followed it up by playing Al Pacinos hard-faced , cocaine-snorting moll Elvira in the blockbuster Scar-face .
27 He hesitated for a moment , and she took him up on it .
28 Her eyes drifted shut and she gave herself up to the kiss 's magic , her own lips even more gentle and tentative than his .
29 His lips seemed to draw out from her all that was sweet , all that was female , and she gave herself up to the moment with an abandon that shocked her .
30 There was a long moment when she strove to clutch on to her dwindling resistance , then something seemed to make it snap , and she gave herself up to the delicious agony of his touch , helpless in his smouldering embrace .
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