Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] he with " in BNC.

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1 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
2 Combined with my relief that a resting-place had finally been found was satisfaction that I 'd had him with me for those first few hours and that he had not been whisked from his bed by complete strangers and reappeared , repackaged , at the crematorium a week later .
3 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
4 Sooner or later Rebecca would learn that her trust in him was unfounded , that she had to share him with any woman who took his fancy .
5 It was as if she had shot him with a tranquillising dart .
6 Like Paul , he had trained for the law in youth , and it had left him with a certain accuracy .
7 I think he 's telling the truth now but I had to threaten him with the Juvenile Bureau , the Welfare and God knows what before he did .
8 ‘ But when there was a little publicity , after we had charged him with rape , other women came forward with similar stories .
9 No doubt there was some poor woman in Australia with whom he 'd become involved and from whom he 'd run away when she 'd presented him with some difficult situation .
10 Now , he stood up and began to pace purposefully round the room , making Ari 's head whirl as she tried to follow him with her eyes .
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