Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [modal v] just [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 She 's got thirty seven pounds ninety eight to spend , she gets that amount for every ten pounds , so you want to know how many ten pounds there are in thirty seven ninety eight , so you can write it out as a division sum or you can just move the decimal point .
2 You talk about leading questions again that testing trial closed where we 'd just test the water before we go for the actual commitment .
3 Do not let the bird preen for at least half an hour or it will just pull the feather out .
4 Well after a while the bricks got hot enough that you could just adjust the valve to where the stove would get almost cherry red and it was a very nice fire .
5 She always looks very warm — she sort of sinks into it so you can just spot the top of her hat .
6 There 'd be a space on the wall , perhaps small fridge , one of those small little ones , so you can just put the bare essentials in .
7 Now we 've got multiply into the brackets , so we 'll just leave the ten where it is and work out what happens to this , everything inside the bracket has got to be multiplied by ?
8 But I did think that it might just ease the pressure on Saturdays , because , following what erm Betty has said , in fact , as I make it it 's forty-five Saturdays out of fifty-two , and bearing in mind Bank Holiday weekend , Christmas and that sort of thing , it 's virtually every Saturday in the city centre there is a collection .
9 Feeling quite ill and willing himself not to look down , he stretched up and found that he could just reach the circular window .
10 And I 'll just make the rest of the with salad in .
11 Thanks and I 'll just outline the background to the figures that has just presented to you .
12 So what I 'm gon na do , is I 'm going go , give you a list of things that need to go into your diary every week , and I 'll just put the list up , and you perhaps write it under Sunday or something on there , because I 'm going to work on a five day week Monday to Friday .
13 He lifted the rug easily , and I could just imagine the muscles rippling under his shirt .
14 But luckily enough I got up and walked round the back and I could just see the lights on in the living room downstairs .
15 Marie turns to look at me , and I can just see the light shining off her eyes .
16 If I can just reach the horses , thought Floy , moving stealthily forwards .
17 If I can just reach the horses and reach up and untether them , I believe we could be off and down the road and the creature would never catch up with us .
18 But if I can just reiterate the criteria .
19 If I can just see the baby . ’
20 So er if I can just have the lights off at this stage please .
21 Erm , if I could just bring the committee up to date on one or two things that have happened in relation to the district auditor 's report .
22 If I could just see the Master I could explain to him .
23 If I could just use the phone , I 'll get a taxi . ’
24 Otherwise you 'll , you 'll not speak to him at all cos I shall just pick the phone up and say
25 You do n't need to do that now look cos I can just carry the thing into the kitchen .
26 there is an argument , ha and it 's been put by er a a noted writed who 's recently written on the menopause that , work , and you should just make the most of being a crone or a hag or an old women !
27 His pole was impaling her to the absolute limit , and she began panting as if she 'd just run the four-minute mile .
28 ‘ Since it has nothing whatever to do with you , I 'd appreciate it if you would just forget the whole thing , ’ she retorted .
29 If you 'll just sign the book I 'll take you to one . ’
30 I wonder if you could just explain the consistent parts of that figure ?
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