Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of course there are lots of questions which would have to be sorted out — the difference is the Scottish Education system , & the courses offered , for a start — & you might well have doubts about cutting yourself off from your friends & so forth .
2 The procedure should copy any output files produced by these activities into a working area for the user , to which he or she will then have owner access after breaking out of the Captive environment .
3 They may be parents or they may only have letters after their name , but what they have in common is this : they know that intellectual perfection and the criteria for measuring it are chimeras .
4 imply that I might soon have funds . ’
5 But all through my twenties and into my thirties I swore quite testily that I would never have children .
6 I must emphasise that this paper is only attempting to deal with one aspect of Irigaray 's thought and will inevitably touch on issues that I wo n't have space to develop .
7 It was Penelope , to tell Sophia that she had suddenly been asked to go to dinner at Rupert Stonebird 's that evening , but that she would n't have time to go home and change first .
8 Given that she is now at this moment incapable of giving or refusing a consent to the treatment which it is necessary in her interests , perhaps to save her life and certainly to advance her cure , I do not find myself satisfied that the refusal is a continuing one , evincing a settled intention on her part to persist in it and accepting , as I do , the father 's evidence that she would rather have blood than die , I declare that it shall be lawful for the hospital , in the circumstances prevailing , to administer blood to her , that being in her best interests .
9 She rang the Sunday Herald number , placating her conscience with the thought that she might not have time to ring Tracey that evening after all ; but when she got through to the news desk , she discovered that he had taken the shuttle to Glasgow the morning before .
10 She occupies herself all day , the old woman decided , so that she will not have time to think .
11 Yes I think it 's perhaps worth making the point erm to Rosemary that although , as you say , i it 's six feet high , that it does n't spread all that wide and it 's , it 's a mistake in a small garden to think that you ca n't have things that are on the tall side .
12 It 's the idea that you ca n't have socialism in one country , it has to be international it 's the idea that it has to be based on the working class because the working class is the agent of socialism and it has to be by revolution because the ruling class wo n't give up its power and wealth voluntarily .
13 Take off the coloured belt after you leave the area so that you wo n't have stewards chasing after you for it !
14 Then he wanted to say that you could n't have bodies floating around but ‘ floating ’ , in the circumstances , was hardly the word .
15 Talk about ‘ forging a new language ’ to describe new experiences forgets that an old language can sometimes express novelty better than any other ; and the case fails to notice , too , that life depends on contrasts : that you can not have informality without formality , bluntness without courtesy , indecorum without decorum .
16 Implicit in the name is the ridiculous idea that you can only have fun on a funboard .
17 Test me in this , ’ says the Lord Almighty , ‘ and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it .
18 The chances are of course that you will not have time go into so much detail , but you can use different headlines to highlight specific aspects of the story , and if you are aware of the requirements of each type of magazine you will at least be able to include back-up material which is relevant to their subject and readership and to follow up with ideas for more in-depth coverage .
19 Deliver him into my hands now and I swear , as I hope for salvation , that you will never have cause to regret it .
20 Is your guilt based upon a belief that you should not have fun , or that your body is not your own , or that you are not allowed to feel angry , or assert your own needs ?
21 A condition of entitlement is that you should not have capital , including savings , of more than £8,000 .
22 There is plenty of strategy here , but more heart and pain than you could possibly have room for .
23 Sometimes a more matronly dame may preside at a table whereon is a large basin of curds , jugs of cream , a number of strong dessert-plates and horn spoons , and a goodly array of oaten cakes ; so you may thus have curds and cream in the land of brown heath — and if lovely scenery lends a zest to wholesome fare , you should not fail to patronize this vendor of good things .
24 And then He was crucified and three days later rose from the dead , and at Mass the bread and wine actually turn into flesh and blood , so you should n't have breakfast that morning but take it on an empty stomach .
25 Erm people do n't generally mind that we ca n't have people making things up , guessing because then we 'd the reputation of the Trust .
26 Does this mean that we shall always have alcoholism in our society ?
27 But we 'll all be so busy reading all this wonderful stuff , and learning from the big bad world about how to market it , that we wo n't have time to do anything else . ’
28 What Barry says is simply this that suppose we accept the point that authority structures are now necessary , that we could n't have anarchy we have to have
29 This , it turned out , was ‘ that we should n't have intercourse until we 're engaged ’ .
30 I said at the time that it was rather important from the point of view of the economy that we should not have wage increases which we could not afford .
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