Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 On Robin Tavistock 's table , where I was honoured to be seated , was a superb square birthday cake , iced in Robin 's racing colours , with fifty tiny candles in miniature gold candelabras .
2 That feeling that you are not where you are meant to be .
3 All of that to me smacks of a lack of appreciation of the need to understand a business thoroughly , where you 're going to be involved in making major decisions .
4 That 's right they 're all with me , yeah that 's right because you know that you 've just been there or you 're going to be there yourself .
5 Interaction between judges is probably more significant in the United States with the stable membership on the Supreme Court , but even in Britain the phenomenon of ‘ opinion deference ’ , whereby one or more judges defers to the opinion of another because he or she is acknowledged to be an expert or to have seniority , is not unknown .
6 ‘ Let me show you the house and where we 're going to be working .
7 Where we are held to be contracting carriers for the purposes of air or sea carriage please note that our liability is limited in the manner provided by relevant international conventions , ‘ special contract ’ with Governments or UK statute law .
8 Maybe we ca n't stop that , ’ he hissed , ‘ but we 'd better make maternity a better deal for the others , or we 're going to be overrun . ’
9 You want them up at the top of the sheet , where they 're going to be seen first ( they look that good ) .
10 The effect of trees on foundation design was discussed earlier but a physical inspection of the site should include the location of all major trees , particularly where they are required to be retained under a tree preservation order and may therefore affect layout and density .
11 If you do manage to overcome this one , the next problem is to simulate the migratory tendencies of moving upstream to fresher waters where they are reported to be pelagic egg-layers .
12 We knew when and where they were going to be moved before their guards did .
13 In experiments on rats it has been shown that where experimenters expected rats to be maze-bright , the rats fulfilled their expectation and where they were expected to be maze-dull the rats also fulfilled expectations .
14 He said the championships were his last event ; he was quitting swimming to concentrate on bodybuilding and his studies at Houghall Agricultural College , Durham , where he is training to be a shepherd .
15 In 1942 he was persuaded to go into hospital , where he was said to be schizophrenic .
16 The policeman gave chase but one of the suspects turned and shot him twice in the back w He was rushed to Homerton Hospital where he was said to be in a serious condition early today .
17 He performed only 24 hours within the first 12 months of the order , and was brought before the Crown Court where he was found to be in breach of the order , which was revoked .
18 A second received burns over 60pc of his body and was taken by helicopter to hospital , where he was reported to be seriously ill .
19 Where it is felt to be important , information on number can therefore be encoded lexically .
20 The CBI table highlights the fact that local laws may apply to merger proposals , not only on competition grounds but also on other grounds , for example where it is deemed to be in the national interest to prevent foreign control in certain sectors such as maritime and air transport , banking and insurance .
21 On the wider issue , it has been made clear , not simply from what I have said but through what I have done over many years — in an earlier ministerial capacity and in my present one — that we are more than willing to take action where it is shown to be necessary , once we are sure that such action would be well-judged .
22 Another version of the bronze lion , from the collection of Dr Simon in Berlin , is illustrated in Bode 's 1908 book on Italian Renaissance bronzes where it is considered to be sixteenth-century .
23 That 's quite likely where it 's going to be going wrong .
24 However , even where it was acknowledged to be still relevant — in the colonies of the European empires — the Congress of the International was no more clear .
25 To check for a developmental role for these hypersensitive sites , the presence of the transgene was tested in newborn mice and where it was shown to be expressed ( data not shown ) .
26 The offeror will have to depend on publicly-available sources of information and whatever else it can obtain or it is required to be given under the Code ( see para 5.8 below ) .
27 In hospital they told me they were going to do a routine examination and that it was going to be a twist in the scrotum or it was going to be a tumour ; and it might be benign or it might be malignant .
28 ‘ There 's no doubt I can learn a lot about racing from Alain and I will be looking forward to that opportunity — but I have to say also that I am aiming to be my own man . ’
29 ‘ The only difference between us is that I am trying to be , and you ca n't help it . ’
30 The market that I 'm referring to is in shoes , sizes above UK 11 .
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