Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [verb] she [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was either out and had n't switched on the answering machine or he was tormenting her by ignoring the telephone .
2 He thinks that I am selling her for the night .
3 She had charm , a way of making you feel that you were joining her in some harmless conspiracy .
4 Gradually she came to realize that it was reminding her of her father — her father and the allotment .
5 Claudia lifted her arms , putting them round his broad shoulders , hardly conscious that he was divesting her of her jacket and blouse .
6 It was then she realised that he was lambasting her with the tennis racquet .
7 When she looked back at Petion , she saw that he was watching her with a sympathetic expression .
8 His voice was low , and she glanced up and saw that he was watching her with a strange kind of intensity .
9 She understood that he was imagining her in a swimsuit with sleek hair at the local pool or in a short , white dress on a tennis court .
10 Utterly flabbergasted , Leith began to realise that he was accusing her of announcing their ‘ engagement ’ to all and sundry .
11 She looked at him warily to find that he was regarding her with unprecedented tenderness .
12 Privately , Robbie considered he was over-reacting , that he was blaming her for his own inability to work today .
13 When she came to , she saw that he was carrying her across the field , past the cottage and up the track towards his Jaguar .
14 She knew that John truly believed that he was protecting her by keeping their love secret , but she was becoming frustrated and annoyed about the situation .
15 After Titania 's quatrains — the most artificial verse-form in drama , presupposing as it does that the speaker has four lines already prepared , with rhymes , confident of not being interrupted — Bottom 's prose truly belongs to the world of unromantic everyday appetites : Bottom may have been ‘ translated ’ in shape , but nothing can elevate him to verse and romance — apart , ironically enough , from his role as Pyramus , out of whose Pistol-like doggerel he is ever ready to step in order to explain the play : ‘ She is to enter now , and I am to spy her through the wall .
16 So do I and I was just talking to her downstairs and I was asking her like the differences between here and the States , you know the boar cos she was in a boarding school before , and she was saying erm how you know just generally the people are nicer and the blokes talk to you not just because you 're cos they
17 And it would be nice if you were to provide her with a little brother or sister . ’
18 She is going about her business , while he is writing about her to the world , and we are seeing her through his eyes .
19 And they 're doing her for a road traffic accident at Morrow Road when Simon the bike .
20 I took her to Jaén and they are keeping her in hospital until tomorrow at the very least .
21 She was unshackled and they were dragging her from the only remaining hut .
22 The people of the Beastline were ranged directly ahead , facing her , as she had asked , and they were watching her with animal stillness .
23 Poor Mrs got two lots of children and they were driving her up the wall !
24 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
25 His lean and powerful body was relaxed in the black suit , long legs crossed towards her , chest turned towards her , and he was watching her with narrowed eyes , obviously rearranging his thoughts about her at a rate of knots .
26 And then , almost at once , his iron control seemed to snap , and he was kissing her with a frenzied , pent-up , impatient longing that was totally beyond anything she 'd ever experienced before .
27 As Frank was talking his arm had gone round May 's shoulder and he was hugging her to him , and of a sudden Peggy felt she must get away from this family scene or she 'd burst out crying .
28 She may wish you to accompany her to his office or to be present if he is to visit her in her home , and he will be pleased to have your co-operation .
29 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
30 Once again he sounded as if he was accusing her of something .
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