Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [adj] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This is particularly relevant in attitude surveys , where it is important not to assume that people 's expressed attitudes , on , say , race relations , are consistent with their actual behaviour .
2 He could smile to order or smile for real , with real pleasure , and it came out just the same , it came out so beautiful that you were sure not to notice the difference .
3 Although it is vital not to get too high , there is no advantage trying to fly very close to the ground , except perhaps when taking off from a very short field .
4 Living in the troubled times of the late fourth and early fifth centuries , St Augustine regarded the Christian era as the age of senility and decay that would lead to the seventh age when time would end , although he was careful not to forecast a definite date for this .
5 But it 's so strict that it 's impossible not to think about it sometimes .
6 They say that it 's OK not to want sex just after your child is born .
7 It has been said that it is best not to know too much about salami and other sausages , in the same way that ignorance about haggis aids its enjoyment and easy digestion .
8 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
9 The conventional wisdom on energy policy is that it is better not to have one .
10 In the case of a simple penal code , acceptance of its punishment is the best action by the deviant given that the alternative is reimposition of the punishment path : punishment outputs are so chosen that it is better not to postpone the date of reversion to collusion than to make a short-term gain from deviating from the punishment path .
11 I 'm positively not the person to advise anyone on cut-price marine systems or to encourage the idea that it is possible not to compromise such principles by going down market .
12 Pope has commented that it is hard not to detect in Ælfric 's statement in Wyrdwriteras that we sceolon secan æt Gode sylfum urne ræd mid anrædum mode ( we should seek our counsel from God himself with unanimous spirit ) " an allusion to the unræd so unhappily associated with Ethelred " .
13 This need not be the case , for advancements in the use of technology within the catering kitchen have progressed to the extent that it is unusual not to find a catering establishment using high technology within the work-place .
14 I think that it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the judgment relates specifically to Claus Ramrath 's circumstances and , in particular , the fact that Mr Ramrath had already obtained authorisation locally as a reviseur d'entreprises .
15 A review of recent research led Coleman ( 1986 ) to conclude that reminiscence therapy could not be said to stand on a very solid base , and that it is important not to make generalizations about the value of reminiscence to any particular individual .
16 Clara did not enjoy her sausage , for it was burned black on the outside and raw in the middle , and her mother had told her that it was impossible not to get worms from raw sausage meat , but the taste of the damp mince with its bitter crust remained a strong reminder of illicit pleasure .
17 I lived in a room off the kitchen , so thin-walled that it was impossible not to hear what was happening in the dining room unless Wu had a gadget going .
18 And so Katherine learned that it was better not to provide an opportunity for a row .
19 He contemplated eating a meat pie at the stall by the church , but he had enough experience of phantom hunger at night to know that it would disappear of its own accord by morning and that it was best not to squander money on appeasing it .
20 It was too late to do any worthwhile damage and with some regret they came to the conclusion that it was best not to place any bombs .
21 Democracy was demanded , and admitted , on the ground that it was unfair not to have it in a competitive society .
22 The men who inserted these phrases knew what they were doing , and they knew also that it was important not to overdo the subject of the primacy .
23 So thin , in fact , that it was difficult not to share the view of Rogan Taylor , former chairman of the FSA , that the FA 's real motive was to restore Hillsborough 's status in support of their bid for the finals of the 1996 European Championship .
24 Cross-examined by John Griffith Williams QC , about why he did not stop for the children , he said that he was concerned not to hit them and instinctively moved away into the fast lane .
25 Lieutenant Stapleton suddenly realized with a shock of fear that he was lucky not to have been shot down by one of these tattered lunatics .
26 Illness develops slowly over several weeks ( or more ) and treatment is more successful in the early stages , so it is essential not to put off seeing a doctor .
27 FIGURE 2 In scumbling , the aim is to create a light and airy surface so it is important not to overload the brush or stay too long in one area .
28 Both parasites and predators are affected by insecticides , however , so it is important not to combine biological control with chemical sprays .
29 In some cases , I 'm told , pieces of the womb break free and invade other parts of the body , including the lungs , so it 's best not to ignore any symptoms .
30 Remember you can only use a Dispel Scroll once , so it 's important not to waste any .
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