Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [adj] [noun pl] you " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , the problem is , that they 're small bags you see , and I have n't got many big bags left after Thursday .
2 And if you were used Orkneyisms you were a very poor scholar indeed .
3 When the signs are the same if they 're two pluses you add them and it 's plus if they 're both minus you add them and it 's minus here you take the smaller from the larger and give it the sign of a larger .
4 well if they 're Siamese twins you 'd never get
5 If it 's hot bods you 're after , why bother with Baywatch when there 's so much gnarly action right at home ?
6 If it 's more games you 're after , or maybe just help with Black Knight , drop here a SAE at .
7 If it 's sultry shades you 're looking for then the Preludes collection from Helena Rubenstein is one to try .
8 You know we tend to sort of hover outside lodge meetings a bit you know cos it is all men you know and It 's quite frightening really you know I mean this sort of erm I think the way the finances are worked for instance er .
9 Unless they are pre-mensile eyes you know , they sort of they come out , sort of go down together and be just above the actual eyelid .
10 This is n't meant to be a test , a mental MOT for your man , but they are all topics you can talk about , which will help you get to know each other better .
11 That was that was then that wa er I mean people knew that they were n't antiques but they were imitation antiques you know , but they were well made .
12 And er because they were professional men you see .
13 until took more responsibility because it was outside contractors you see
14 You 've been here three weeks — I tell you , when it is three years you will run to the window with the rest of us . ’
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