Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [conj] [noun] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Lydia put a mug of tea in front of her master and then took herself off to the dairy , where she and Martha unashamedly listened at the door .
2 and Connie , Connie 's six weeks younger than I and grandma never saw her .
3 Perdita was in such a good mood that she and Daisy actually had supper together for the first time in months .
4 Actually , me and Joe were saying the other day , like ever erm who was it , someone said something about people being fat or whatever and someone 's gone , oh yeah , like Helena , you know jokingly and erm and me and Joe both turned round and said yeah but she 's not fat though is she , she 's like more you 're more wide are n't you ?
5 We did a John Peel radio session a while ago and me and Debbie both used these really early seventies Thin Lizzy amps and they were just the best .
6 He had a little book called Blackie 's Guide to Flowers of the Wayside , and he and Constance always took it with them on their walks .
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