Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] away [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The towpath proper did n't start until a few yards further down where it angled away from the road and followed the river ; here it was marked by a narrow strip of waterside grass and trees that would immediately raise the cost of any overlooking property by at least ten thousand .
2 One of the strong impressions that I took away from the secondment was the ability of C&P managers at all levels to use various diagrammatic models to help them not only explain the workings of the company , but to help them analyse problems and synthesize solutions .
3 Little that is definite is known of her early years , except that she was said to have been a backward child ; that she was sent to a private school , Hope House , in Taunton ; that she broke away from the family tradition of Methodism and became an Anglican ; and that she came to the attention of Dorothea Beale [ q.v. ] , and taught at Cheltenham Ladies ' College from 1877 until 1881 .
4 One of the great things about Center Parcs is that you get away from the ‘ I 'm Rubbish ’ Syndrome .
5 ‘ So as many social programmes and educational things that you take away from the youth , the more and more you foster illiteracy , the more and more you foster disenfranchisement and the more dangerous the population becomes , you see ?
6 Yep , yep erm these officers are all trained in , in fire prevention work erm at the Fire Service 's technical college at Morton Marsh , and er they practise those skills they learn there over many years erm I 'm looking back , I mean the time that I spent in training schools and er and in , in the job er I suppose when you total it all up it must be two or three years away from home really , er in courses you know , in my day we went away on fire prevention training classes six months , six months ' course was the , so you went away to the Fire Service college which in those days was at Dorking , a lovely place in Dorking , and you did six months there solid , and then nowadays about thirteen weeks , the courses run about thirteen weeks , and you are constantly fire , fire officers from the ranks of erm probably a Sub Officer , leading fireman in some places , but Sub Officer onwards and particularly Station Officer up to the more senior ranks are away on courses regularly for , it 's really updating people erm new legislation coming in , new techniques coming in , erm which have to be these people have to be updated so they are very well trained , erm more so than most local authority people I would think , fire , fire officers are , erm purely because the job is such a wide range of , of things to deal with .
7 Yes , we have er debate on a major policy paper on natural resources and how to er conserve them , how to make sure that we get away from the madness of the consumer society that we have at the moment ; er laying down a strategy for the er the use of the earth 's resources er into the twentieth century .
8 Put simply , once we move away from the commencement theory of jurisdiction then the rationale for saying that absence of evidence does not constitute a jurisdictional defect simply disappears .
9 Once we move away from the traditional accounting statements and unit cost statistics , the possibilities are unbounded .
10 Whilst they are here , we hope that they rub away at the image of Birmingham and find its reality .
11 The bags were of that thinner kind of plastic they use for the bags that they give away at the supermarket , the free ones ; and now one of the bags in her right hand split and she just stood there helpless to stop them as three cans fell out and rolled across the concrete .
12 This research has shown that they swim away from the European coast in a roughly north-westerly direction at a depth of about two hundred feet until once again they reach the edge of the continental shelf .
13 It was too big a puzzle and she let it go although it gnawed away at the back of her mind .
14 The advantage of the pen system in Eo 's machine is that it does away with the keyboard , so enabling applications to be written for all language forms — non-Roman script like Japanese or Arabic for instance .
15 Such a theory has the great merit that it does away with the old dichotomy between ‘ matter , ’ represented by particles of one-half-integer spin , and ‘ interactions , ’ represented by integer-spin particles .
16 We positioned it so that it faced away from the doorway , to avoid draughts and to give the future inhabitants a little privacy .
17 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
18 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
19 Then she looked across at Burun , smiled brilliantly , and lashed the st'lyan across the barrel so that it charged away through the trees and out on to the plain .
20 We know that he kept away from the moor , so it 's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every evening .
21 One reason — just one — is that as the rich world gives with one hand so it takes away with the other .
22 To help you remember it is a good idea to turn the catapult round so it faces away from the enemy .
23 He sank back into his chair as Pyke and I walked away from the table , and tossed the whisky down his throat .
24 I took the only option that I could see was open to me , and I ran away into the desert .
25 He said , ‘ That is a pity ’ , with his smiling , still mouth , and he got back in the car and drove away , and Elizabeth went back in the house , and all the day she cried , and I went away to the hills .
26 In the end I went along and scraped a pass , largely to avoid the horrendous scenes with my parents that would ensue if I came away from the temple of learning empty-handed .
27 A Canadian friend who visited Junieh a few years ago said that it was an excellent and interesting place for a cruising yacht to go : cheap , with pleasant , welcoming people and without danger , provided you stay away from the trouble spots .
28 It was n't until she turned away from the elms that Artemis realized she was not alone .
29 but that all took I think , when you 're older when you go grey it 's , it , you look softer and you get away with the grey coming through on white hair .
30 ‘ We 'll go out and eat , ’ she said quickly , ‘ I 'll get ready , ’ and she twisted away to the bathroom , which also served as her wardrobe , and slammed the door to leave me alone with McIllvanney and Bellybutton .
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