Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] down from [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's not very often that I come down from the pulpit but I feel this would be a genuinely worthwhile exercise , ’ he said .
2 It 's to remind us that we sweep down from the upper world , slide round the bottom of the circle , and sweep up again , no trouble , if we have any sense . "
3 They could not open the door , so they climbed down from the roof and got in through the window .
4 Then , there 's never been a shortage of contributions for London 's musical guidebook ; have all helped to flesh out its pages , along with ‘ Kings Cross ’ , a song that the Pet Shop Boys wrote ( a ) ‘ Because it 's the London terminus you reach if you come down from the North-East ’ ; ( b ) Chris Lowe lived there ; and ( c ) ‘ It seemed like a good title about people waiting .
5 Those who win money on the horses at Kirkby Lonsdale races in Cumbria can quickly sober up if they wander down from the racecourse to see how their rates have been spent on the adjacent reaches of the river Lune , where the recently cemented banks are dramatically caving in , and attempts at bank protection appear to have made matters worse .
6 Rory could n't suppress a soft chuckle at the thought , and he looked down from the stepladder at the sound .
7 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
8 But even when he was surrounded he continued to lay about him with his sword , and then with an axe when his sword broke , until he went down from a blow to the head .
9 The whole train stopped while he jumped down from the dome car and went to look at the laggard .
10 The festivities started with a parade through the town led by the Houlton Silver Band and as I looked down from the windows of our bed-sitter I could see them all gathering in the street below .
11 Nurse Jones was a busy woman and he valued the minutes he had with her over a cup of tea when she came down from the bedroom .
12 And similarly , most of the CTC and especially the , were utterly and outspokenly delighted when she stood down from the committee on moving to PLACE .
13 The whole point of Lourdes comes out as you walk down from the centre of the town towards the river and the Cité Religieuse on the far bank .
14 The valley , homely and tree clad , is spread below you and as you drop down from the pass , just above Thwaite , you can see Muker down the dale looking like a toy village .
15 As she looked down from the stand , the horses for the third race , a handicap over six furlongs , were filing out on to the racecourse .
16 George MacDonald saw the people from Strathnaver arriving at the sea : ‘ When they came down from the Strath to the sea-shore they suffered very much from want of houses .
17 Thousands of imported sheep had left their devastating mark and the latest ‘ crop ’ , the deer , finished off any saplings the sheep might have missed when they came down from the high tops in the winter .
18 He was waiting for them with his barge by the first footbridge over the canal as they came down from the moor .
19 The horse pounded surefooted along the tunnels , leaping sudden slides of rubble and adroitly sidestepping huge stones as they thundered down from the straining roof .
20 He might have been listening to Moses when he came down from the mountain .
21 When he stepped down from the editorship , the November 1975 issue carried a story slamming student apathy and a cartoon captioned : ‘ Will Tiger Tim 's boat sink without a replacement ? ’
22 In spite of the headset that he wore for the flight , his ears were still ringing when he climbed down from the helicopter .
23 The dusky pink body is heavily patterned with golden-yellow spotted scales , this spotting diminishes in prominence as it progresses down from the dorsal area to the belly of the fish .
24 Then at the appropriate moment , he unfurled a battered black umbrella , shielding his camera as he came down from the car .
25 ‘ I feel sorry for that woman , ’ thought the bachelor as he stepped down from the train at the next station .
26 ‘ Welcome to Broadstairs , ’ announced Sir Thomas expansively as he stepped down from the railway carriage , flicking a practised hand towards a porter .
27 There 'll be nobody in at this hour ! ’ he repeated loudly , to the men behind as he got down from the jeep .
28 Other miscellaneous missiles rained in on him as he clambered down from the improvised platform with the help of his small band of left-wing brothers .
29 ‘ What 's the matter ? ’ he said as he jumped down from the cab .
30 Others had seen him as he jumped down from the railings .
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