Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [indef pn] about [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd like to say that I remember something about the rest of that walk but I do n't , only that it rained , then it rained some more , and when it got fed up with that , it rained again .
2 You wo n't accept that I knew nothing about the drugs , yet you want my word ?
3 You refuse to accept that I knew nothing about the drugs .
4 Not that I knew anything about the area of course .
5 She denied that she knew anything about the power of attorney .
6 All Lori will tell you is that she knows nothing about the jade , ’ Paige advised him steadily .
7 ‘ Much obliged for that , Albert , ’ said Joe , and explained that he 'd got a guest and how it came about , although he said nothing about the wallet or the men .
8 Finally , one major gap in Oakeshott 's theory is that it says nothing about the fundamental issue of how societas may be reconstituted in the modern age .
9 The story he told was precisely the story that Lanfranc had told in 1072 , with the single exception that he says nothing about the ultimum quasi robur of the whole case in the series of documents mentioned by Lanfranc .
10 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
11 If they were stopped by the police and her basket was searched , he was to say that he knew nothing about the newspapers — she made him agree to this arrangement if he wanted to accompany her on her clandestine journeys .
12 It was clear from Hans 's face that he knew nothing about the allegations .
13 I do n't remember what I recited , but I do remember being acutely embarrassed on another occasion when people were telling anecdotes , and I recounted one about a soldier being saved from a court martial because he had heard a clock strike thirteen at midnight , and this fact had saved him from being found guilty of sleeping on duty .
14 He showed it to Patrizia Valesio and asked if she knew anything about the asterisks which Chiodini had pointed out .
15 It was a test , really , to see if she said anything about the stockings .
16 When the passengers are cleaned up see if you can get this young lady , Irene Charial , alone and find out if she knows anything about the layout of the engine-room .
17 Now I do n't know if you remember anything about the nine days of the General Strike , as opposed to the s sort of the whole miners ' strike in that year .
18 If you know something about the deeper inner workings of computers then you can make use of this fact to guess what sort of things might cause a program some difficulties .
19 If you know anything about the history of art , you 'll know that the real process of evaluation goes on after things have stopped .
20 Erm , er , if you , if you know anything about the kind of thing that actually goes on er , it 's nothing like the it 's supposed to be .
21 And I would like to ask and if you know anything about the the topography of Harrogate , the second er most attractive feature of this town after the Nidd Gorge is in fact .
22 Erm , the other thing is , if you know anything about the subject , which most amanuensists should do , you actually start filling in the gaps .
23 If you know anything about the robbery , please help us . ’
24 And they know nothing about the flat , of course . ’
25 If they know everything about a job then they may well be able to fix the problems for you .
26 I ask if they know anything about the snowy owl .
27 Then he remembered a woman he 'd met once on a train , she was singing hymns to the window , he 'd been embarrassed at first , half her fringe was missing as if someone had taken a bite out of it , only he knew she 'd done it because she caught him staring and laughed and said , ‘ I always cut it when I 'm loaded , ’ and he remembered something about a house , and because there was nothing left to cling to , because it was the only piece of wreckage left afloat , he remembered how to get there too , it was either remember or die .
28 It started in 1976 and it says something about the timescale over which these sorts of things have to be planned that the first results of any value appeared 16 years later .
29 If it receives one about a member who is a partner in a firm of registered auditors , a copy of the complainant 's letter is sent to the ARC , which will consider whether this should have any effect on the firm 's continued registration .
30 They prepared Cameron for his appearance in the High Court of Justiciary by one final interview , a dry recapitulation of what had been said before , with the slightest of hints that it would go well for him if he divulged something about the United Scotsmen , who evidently still preyed on their minds .
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