Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [that] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Now the reason I mention last year 's events , is that I suspect that the same arguments are gon na be trotted out again .
2 That is the overwhelming response that I have received , and I suspect that the same is true of my hon. Friend the Member for Chelmsford ( Mr. Burns ) .
3 My first experience in going into tramcars er in , in Edinburgh anyway and I suppose that the same thing would have happened er in any country , just gone through the ravages of war , with blackouts and so forth .
4 And she notes that the same remark , or the same sentences , can be found in Amis 's novel .
5 When they paused near one of these villages to rest the horses the Collector remained in the carriage and watched the men drawing water from the well , drawing it up in a huge leather bag with the help of their bullocks , and he knew that the same two men and two bullocks would do this every day until the end of their lives .
6 I explained this last point to one witch and he said that the same could be said for Christianity .
7 Any new module needs to have a distinct identity and market — SCOTVEC feels that it would be confusing to employers to have a proliferation of modules and titles and so the Catalogue sub-committee will not accept a new proposal if it thinks that the same outcomes can be achieved by suitable fleshing-out of an existing module .
8 But when he insisted that the same warnings should be used on advertisements , and be bigger than at present , he got them furious .
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