Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [pers pn] on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I speak with Michael Odell inside ten minutes , or I raise him on the open line , ’ said Quinn carefully .
2 After breakfast at the palace all the inmates are thrown out , whatever the weather , and the only place he can take his child is outside : " Usually I take my little boy at weekends to the fair at Whitley Bay , or I take him on the metro and we sit at the front — he loves trains .
3 I fundamentally disagree with his proposition , although I congratulate him on the stand that he has taken for his principles .
4 Even if I 'd told you that I heard it on the local news , I doubt you 'd have taken my word for it .
5 Does Mike have some er Georgian Hotel , look at that Christmas jokes , Daddy , Eddie 's broken my new dog how did he do that I hit him on the head with it Why is Father Christmas unemployed ?
6 It is for that reason that I include it on the shortlist for the Worst Building in the World title .
7 Now I know it was a great honour but I could see no way of accepting , so I put it on the mantelpiece and more or less prepared to forget all about it .
8 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
9 It 's also easy to care for as it can be hand or machine washed at 40°C , though we do recommend that you iron it on the reverse side while still damp .
10 If you use this method , make certain that you write them on the board before the talk and that your writing is legible .
11 LEFT Especially if you are not used to fitting a check chain , take care to ensure that you put it on the right way round .
12 That you showed me on the plan ?
13 So you told me on the phone . ’
14 Right and he says the wider gap , so you write it on the order form , right , it 's part of the order form close
15 The short answer is that we assert it on the basis of two things , an independent nomic conditional , and ( C ) a belief about certain conditions , which is a belief that the antecedent of the independent conditional is in a certain part true .
16 ‘ We did not want the burden of administration falling on the taxpayer so we put it on the prime beneficiary , which is the farmer himself . ’
17 ‘ It is a coincidence that they announced it on the eve of my press conference , ’ he admitted .
18 I think that was a different boat to the one that they showed you on the telly .
19 His bulk , thin but long , was hard for them to get up their spiral stairs , so they left him on the sofa below , on the floor that lay over an ironmonger 's shop .
20 There was this girl in a bath of asses milk , yuk ! and it had all turned to cheese , so they put her on the table with a dish of figs for afters .
21 She had thoughtful parents , though , who thought the Grand Canyon was for real and so they put her on the waiting list .
22 Wesley made little progress with agricultural labourers because they were tied into the rigidities of the traditional social order , although he blamed it on the stolid stupidity of the peasantry , but in many mining and manufacturing villages Methodism throve .
23 The fact that he rapes her on the night that Stella 's baby is born , on their bed , and in his wedding pyjamas makes Stanley seem even more bestial .
24 She shook herself inwardly , said severely , Control yourself , Sally-Anne Tunstall ; remember what happened when you had such soft thoughts about a man before , and the sudden dreadful memory this evoked hit her so hard that she stopped dead in her tracks , gave a stifled wail , and went so white that Dr Neil , hearing her , and looking at her , saw that her pallor was so extreme that he thought her on the verge of fainting .
25 On a celebrated occasion in Wales a county court judge sitting in a civil case in Bridgend had not completed the case when the train was due to leave , so he continued it on the train and gave his final judgement in the station-master 's office at Llantrisant .
26 He was in a fix — he had bought two papers and merged them together , and I was n't around , I was in New York , and I did the logo for him in a hurry , but I did n't have time to design a newspaper , nor was it the kind of thing for which he could pay a big design fee , so he described it on the phone and then he faxed me some pages of the existing papers , and I said well what you have to do is look at the old London Times and do that .
27 His room key and tag feel bulky in his pocket so he leaves them on the table with his newspaper before visiting the well assorted buffet table .
28 In the next lesson , I asked him to share his six ways with 1 in front , and I wrote them on the blackboard .
29 My sleeping bag 's on the floor , and I shove it on the bed quick .
30 I had a flat tape recorder with a directional mic and I stuck it on the table and above me was a speaker through which all this muzak was coming out .
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