Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 NEUE MITTE is in the centre of the town of Oberhausen ( population 225,000 ) , which is itself in the state of North Rhine Westphalia , the largest of the German states both in population ( 17.5 million ) and economic power , where it accounts for over a quarter of Germany 's gross national product .
2 Let us suppose that you have at least a hazy image of your Dreams — your personal and global visions of how life might be .
3 It , you , you used to meet a lot of different kinds of people and er not only that you travelled about quite a bit as well .
4 Although this second method is the more complicated to administer and requires that we have at least a rough idea of the size of the primary sampling units , it has some advantages that become obvious when we recall that several primaries are generally sampled :
5 Christians of different denominations feel much closer together now — at the parish level — than they used to even a few years ago .
6 So we find , by the end of the fourteenth century , that persons are directing petitions to the Chancellor , claiming that they have at least a moral right to the benefit of these uses , and begging him to give them help against the legal owner who is setting up his Common Law rights against them .
7 Russell estimated the population of England at just over 21 million in 1377 , and suggested that it rose by nearly a million between then and 1545 .
8 This means that it accounts for perhaps a third of the sales of ICI Chemicals & Polymers — about the same proportion as does the latter in the whole of ICI .
9 His blue eyes flayed her , as he demanded harshly , ‘ Do you deny that he died with barely a penny to his name ? ’
10 But as regards his goods and chattels , which include his leaseholds , it is early admitted that he has at least a limited power to dispose by will — limited because his wife and children may have rights which he can not override .
11 Britain has a fairly long winter , and I know of only a few very hardy souls who are willing to go gold prospecting during this season .
12 And I read for about an hour .
13 I was driving my car along an unlit street in Bristol , England : all of a sudden the two inner wheels of the car had left the road and I travelled for quite a few yards at an angle of 45 degrees , after which I landed with a large bump .
14 now if I tape for about an hour and a half or an hour and then rewind it , it 'll go
15 I would want someone that was on my wavelength , roughly my age , preferably a supporter , and I would n't sign anything until I had at least a serious gentleman 's agreement that nothing could be issued without the artist 's agreement .
16 Cos I asked in here a few weeks ago and they said .
17 Now , if any of you get terribly tense at the back of shoulders which we all seem to do nowadays , if you come for just a back and shoulder massage , we actually work on the back of the neck and along the shoulders using massage movements which helps to relax you , which helps to actually break down the lactic acid that builds up in the muscles that causes you pain .
18 He was born in seventeen sixty , in the middle of France , really , erm , and he came from quite a large family .
19 Goosebumps coarsened his sleek skin , and he tried to still a trembling in his limbs .
20 Erm and it comes to quite a high figure and he 's not happy .
21 ‘ Lomax ! ’ she snapped , her voice sounding as if it came from inside a biscuit tin .
22 But I looked for only a moment .
23 Er but we dealt with quite a few serious accidents in the time I was there .
24 I know such guarantees are n't really worth the plastiscrip they 're printed out on , but they have at least a token legal value if there 's any trouble .
25 The classification of this category is not free from difficulty but it includes at least a common law lien and a lien arising by operation of law .
26 A criminal psychopath would not want to kick someone 's face in for the fun of it unless he had at least an inkling of what it feels like to the victim .
27 I know that because I grow at least a dozen of them in my allotment .
28 Anyone who earns enough to pay national insurance contributions is either ‘ contracted-in ’ to SERPS or ‘ contracted-out ’ because they belong to either an employer 's scheme or a personal pension scheme .
29 I think he once did say to me that he was very disturbed at how much ‘ coke ’ David was doing and that it had got to the point where he did n't hide it from deFries , whereas he did for quite a while at first .
30 Well I actually been on commission only before er Yellow Pages when I started with well a
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