Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] can [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Power ’ refers to the degree to which individuals or groups can impose their will on others , with or without the consent of those others .
2 In Buxtehude , the most common measure is to ensure that the crossing cycle lane is conspicuous , as seen in ( Figure 6.17 ) , with the priority to the right rule giving added protection and often ensuring that cyclists can maintain their pace .
3 A spelling system should be reasonable , so that beginners can use their intelligence in learning to read , and learn in 18 months , as in some European languages , instead of taking three years plus , as in Britain and the US .
4 The evidence shows that animals can vary their size extremely rapidly in a short space of time when they become , for example , geographically isolated from the main herd .
5 activities are signposted , and every new stage of a lesson is indicated so that learners can focus their attention on the task in hand
6 There have been well documented delays to SuperSparc and Sun has apparently built two crystals into its Mbus motherboards so that customers can upgrade their processor modules with higher clock-rate parts as they trickle on to the market , without having to dicker with clock timing and synchronisation .
7 To do this they will need not only a knowledge of the vocabulary of steps through which dancers communicate , but an ability to explain their design so that dancers can give it depth of feeling ( see page 78 ) .
8 The model assumes that managers can specify their information requirements and that these can be predicted by the information system .
9 Furthermore , since they are not directives but guidelines they must be flexible enough to allow for teacher participation and the exercise of initiative so that teachers can follow their course in reference to the bearings provided .
10 Payments given to employees who have to replace children 's school uniforms or pay subsistence costs so that children can continue their education in the old location are usually listed separately from disturbance allowances in company relocation policies .
11 The way in which each child adapts to defective vision will be individual , and there are considerations both in the causes of defective sight and the effects of these on the way that children can use their vision .
12 Lester Lefton and Laura Valvatne even use psychology to help the student with pep paragraphs about being motivated and a stream of ‘ progress checks ’ and ‘ selftests ’ so that students can monitor their mastery .
13 Individuals and groups can register their interest by contacting : The Royal British Legion , .
14 However , over a long period of time and association , horses and ponies can alter their thought patterns and learn to think more like each other , and to become more empathic .
15 I do not expect you to haggle , for example , but an element of bartering over hours and conditions can improve your working life considerably .
16 Thus , for example , one of the most important features of capitalism is the pursuit of profit and owners can increase their profit by exploiting the workforce .
17 And letters can find their way both in and out , ’ he said , ‘ by the same route ? ’
18 These categories are not in practice sharply edged and enterprises can shift their location in both directions .
19 But readers can appreciate my reason for feeling that brother Louis had let me down badly .
20 But Guatemalans can enjoy their freedom only if they stick to the unwritten rules .
21 This system enables banks to lend longer term because they can be certain of having deposits , as lenders can realize their asset at any time .
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