Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] will [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , only a month before war began , General Haig stated that it would be foolish to think ‘ that aeroplanes will be able to be usefully employed for reconnaissance ’ ; he believed that only cavalry could gather information .
2 Analysis will not enable Larry to access the causes of the emotions and fears he ‘ reads ’ in the maps of people 's minds any more than physicists will be able to ‘ discover ’ the origin of the universe .
3 THE PURCHASE OF half a mile of track by Avon Valley Railway members signals the start of the railway 's long awaited southern extension and the hope that passengers will be able to steam towards Bath during the second half of 1993 .
4 ( 1982 ) have argued that resources will be allocated efficiently ( in the sense that prices will be equal to marginal costs ) in industries which are perfectly contestable and that this result holds irrespective of the number of firms in the industry .
5 It is intended that loans will replace parental contributions and that repayments will be similar to mortgage repayments .
6 If the Government are sincere about the Bill , they should not hesitate to give assurances to the House and the country that the money will be found to ensure that a link will be provided and that services will be available to the communities in the regions , and particularly the north , from the channel tunnel .
7 Various aspects of the parties ' life , resources , and activities will be helpful to them in the conflict , but many of these are resources and activities that they will have possessed or engaged in or wished to posses or to engage in in any case , even if they did not take part in the contest .
8 Didcot Steam Centre is open on Sunday and visits will be possible to the Radstock signal box .
9 Substantial elements of teachers ' pay and conditions will be subject to local determination , at the levels of the LEA and the school .
10 Shares will soon be offered in the Llangollen Railway and details will be available to our members in due course .
11 And that er , on the centenary of my birth , which will fall in two thousand and forty six , my heirs and executors will be free to er , release it to the world , on condition , however , that it 's published complete and unexpurgated and unedited .
12 From April 1st anyone found not to have followed guidelines on making VAT claims and payments will be liable to a penalty that could cost them and extra 30% plus interest on any unpaid tax .
13 Local communities will be fully consulted and their loyalties and interests will be central to the commission 's task in deciding whether in any area a single tier of local government could provide better accountability and greater efficiency .
14 If the costs and benefits do not differ for alternative opportunities under consideration these costs and benefits will be irrelevant to decisions .
15 Since , in equilibrium , the aggregate demand for goods and services will be equal to the rate of national income ( which measures the total value of goods and services produced in the economy over a given time period ) , we can expect a direct relationship between the aggregate demand for labour and the rate of national income .
16 However , the policy of equal treatment is now firmly on the agenda and it is only a matter of time before men and women will be entitled to their State pension at the same age .
17 Some will be connected with the parent 's needs , but others will be personal to them ; psychological , social and financial .
18 The doubts as to whether costs will be available to a party and the possibility that what costs are payable by the other party will not cover the full costs of seeking legal assistance are powerful factors in decisions as to whether and when to settle .
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