Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] be [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 We will strengthen the regulation of the utilities , enforce standards through our Consumer Protection Commission , and ensure prices are cut or other action taken where profits are excessive so that the customer gets a fair deal .
2 Where standards are qualitative rather than quantitative , it is preferable for them to be expressed in terms of end-results rather than of methods .
3 The point here is that institutions are useful only if they have been designed to achieve a particular purpose .
4 I believe that that money has been carried forward , which means that funds are available today if the Minister should decide to pay the Axminster practice .
5 It was , he continued , more important than ever to ensure that leases were well-drafted so as to make landlords and/or tenants fully aware as to whether or not their insurance policies covered damage caused by terrorism .
6 You buy the basic tool for its motor quality and professional pedigree , and accessories are optional rather than standard .
7 It is important that roles and relationships are clear so that a tightly-knit , visible and dedicated Compact team is formed .
8 Throughout our recent evolutionary history , particularly since the rise of a hunting way of life , there must have been extreme selective pressures in favour of our ability to co-operate as a group : organized food gathering and hunts are successful only if each member of the band knows his task and joins in with the activity of his fellows ; a good deal of restraint on natural impulses during the stalk and capture of the prey is likewise essential .
9 Assuming that wages and prices are flexible upwards and downwards , the excess supply of labour will cause money wages to fall .
10 The neo-classical economists argued that it would do so and , therefore , that all Keynes had done in effect was to add a single assumption to the neo-classical system : the assumption that wages and prices were inflexible downwards because of the existence of trade unions and other restrictive practices ( which , of course , was well known anyway ) .
11 The door is great I mean it 's bigger actually the doors and windows are bigger now than they used to be , are n't they ?
12 But leaflets and videos are useful only if they are heeded and acted upon .
13 The various plastics and composites are different again and we shall come to these presently .
14 The view which I share with such disparate theorists as Antonio Gramsci and Max Weber is that the model of lawyers as both agents of the bourgeoisie and translators is correct theoretically as well as empirically .
15 You would n't know it to watch the locals , but seatbelts are compulsory here and it really is advisable to buckle up as some of the mountain roads require skilful manoeuvring !
16 The liberal regime remains , though rules are tougher now and there are more lawyers about the place .
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