Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] that [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Some people may find they need more complicated items such as hoists or units that fit into the bath to raise and lower the bather using air or water pressure .
2 Investment can only be in companies or funds that qualify under the BES rules .
3 layout , type or pictures that extend beyond the trim marks on a page .
4 Bull Pot of the Witches , by the way , may mean just that , that it was named after a witch or witches that lived in the area .
5 Extraordinary items are material items possessing a high degree of abnormality which arise from events or transactions that fall outside the ordinary activities of the reporting entity and which are not expected to recur .
6 Sort out any booklets or manuals that pertain to the heating system or any other fixture that you are leaving behind .
7 An authenticated copy of the complaint with its supporting documents , and of other exhibits or rulings that serve as the basis for the measure requested ;
8 iv ) company-specific factors : include such variables as : organisation size and degree of centralisation ; official purchase decision-making procedures and processes ; role of buying department and other buying process roles ; means of resolving conflicts or differences that appear within the Decision Making Unit during the buying decision-making process .
9 ‘ Mind ’ , as a functioning of consciousness , is viewed by the Hindus as a series of ideas or impressions that pass through the brain via the process of thought .
10 And , all run here , everything was run here , and animals , animals that won here , well er well I think they put them down as better animals than animals that raced before the war , you know , cos they had to do such a lot in a short time .
11 The OSI Network Management Forum has delivered its Omnipoint 1 reference model for builders of integrated management products : Omnipoint is a set of standards , specifications and technologies that were created by a broad coalition and it is referenced in the US government 's Network Management Profile , soon to be included in government procurement guidelines in the UK ; among the technologies lurking in there are CMIP/X.700 , SNMP , work from X/Open Co Ltd and the Object Management Group ; the specifications are due to be published formally in October , and the idea is that systems that conform to the Omnipoint specs will be able to interwork .
12 Shallis 's proposal is then that events that happen in the Universe may similarly combine in ways that have meaning , in a domain or context that transcends time as we know it .
13 A PR executive thus needs to be placed so that he or she is aware of all issues , policies , attitudes and opinions that exist in the organisation that have a bearing upon how it is perceived by the organisation 's publics .
14 It produces an ice quite Ben Nicholson in the uniformity of colour , and there is an almost Rodinesque sumptuousness about the lumps and knobs that accumulate at the ends of the shelves .
15 Throughout this book I have suggested that it is important , in training children , to convey a reasonably coherent idea of the aims and objects that lie behind the training and supervision .
16 He was born deaf , dumb and blind and was also mentally-deficient , and died in 1902 before he could accede to the bewildering duties and titles that went with the Dukedom of Norfolk , Earl Marshal of England .
17 Mouth-watering thoughts of all the fish and vegetables that abounded in the Egyptian delta soon produce an irresistible craving .
18 Fig. 21.18(a) and ( c ) ) of a computed instantaneous vorticity distribution , and patterns that correspond to the structure are picked out by shading .
19 In this paper we shall argue that the Act must be understood in terms of themes , issues , developments and conflicts that emerged in the 1970s , and worked themselves out in the 1980s .
20 Amongst its advantages were a series of paid watchers who warned of approaching police , as well as numerous exits out into the warren of houses and warehouses that backed onto the Thames .
21 In so far as the auditor in the public sector is expressing an opinion on financial statements , then the Auditing Standards and Guidelines that apply in the private sector also apply in the public sector , absent specific statements to the contrary ( Auditing Guideline 416 , 1987 ) .
22 It was almost certainly the growth of dissatisfaction with this arrangement in the other republics and provinces that led to the abandonment of the retention ratio system at the end of 1985 .
23 The friends laughed and squealed with delight as they took a short boat trip to see the crocodiles and hippos that live on the lake .
24 Moreover , there is not so much to smell when you are flying high up and away from the scents and aromas that cling to the Earth — or even if , like man , your nose stands at a height of five or six feet , rarely bending towards the ground .
25 It was several days later that he found himself rising through the complex of dripping wet catwalks and steps that ran around the Power line .
26 This structure extends over 0.3° ( 45pc ) but is part of an even more extensive 1° ( 140pc ) -shaped lobe that appears to be perpendicular to the plane and is reminiscent of the prominences and flares that protrude from the surface of the Sun ( Fig. 6 a ) .
27 The agreement between the two ministries also provides for the care of cultural objects and monuments that belong to the other but can not be moved .
28 The fourth editions and specials that rolled off the presses until dawn every day …
29 He heads up the Insurance Ombudsman Bureau ( phone 071–928 4488 ) , which was set up in 1981 and which provides an independent service for the resolution of disputes between personal insurance policyholders and holders of unit trusts , and companies that belong to the scheme .
30 And , with barely even the most basic of medicines available , each day these children are prone to the countless diseases and infections that flourish within the grimy water around them .
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