Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They claim to see each other less than couples who go out to work , meeting for the occasional cup of coffee in the kitchen .
2 Articles appeared in the press extolling the creativity of ‘ home-making ’ ; psychiatrists warned that children who grew up without their mother 's constant care and attention were seriously deprived and might well become delinquents .
3 My own research in Mexico suggests that female managers tend to be found in those depanments that are concerned with interpersonal relations within the plant ( personnel , public relations , training ) and that women who start off in these areas and succeed are occasionally promoted to higher levels of management .
4 Ronald Richter , aged 42 , was a little-known Austrian-born physicist , one of many German-speaking scientists and technicians who turned up in Argentina in the late 1940s .
5 The Americans hope that the installation of Mr Mesic would bolster Croats and Slovenes who hang back from independence now ; that Mr Markovic and his economic reform would win a reprieve ; and that time might be gained for Serbian opposition to Mr Milosevic to grow .
6 Journalists and producers who fell out of favour were ‘ put on the shelf ’ ( ‘ mis au placard ’ ) — thereby accentuating what was already part of broadcasting mythology : in the 1980S as in the 1940S , key managerial , editorial and programming appointments and dismissals — who 's ‘ in ’ and who 's ‘ out ’ — were attributed as much ( or more ) to political as to professional factors .
7 Here there were probably more pastors than scholars , especially from the third world , but there was a significant number of biblical scholars and theologians who looked back on decades in which loyal Catholic scholars had been harassed and impeded by an obsessive witch hunt against Modernism .
8 Their elders make it upstairs in the flats , attended by small children — brothers and sisters who grow up in the Gorbals , Glasser says , to try it with each other .
9 An unspoken agreement grants peace and prosperity , respectively , to scholars and publishers who stay out of the public debate .
10 But I always think so many mums , dads and children who set off for work and school in the morning wo n't be coming back . ’
11 He can introduce us to some American girls and boys who spoke up about what they noticed and liked .
12 For of course the Pacific is still influenced by the Atlantic that once dominated the world : the ties that bound the world together yesterday — personified by the men and women who came out from the West to trade or to peddle religion , to colonize , annex , smuggle or fight — these ties still exist today , though more weakly , with less influence and fewer and fewer people enrolled in the process .
13 Men and women who grew up during the swinging sixties may have a different view of sexual fidelity from those who are slightly older .
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