Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [adv] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is believed that organisms soon adapt to microgravity and establish a new biological steady state .
2 The Safety Director 's is a delicate job , requiring diplomacy in dealing with academics and researchers traditionally used to autonomy in their laboratories .
3 No-one was hurt and engineers immediately set to work making temporary repairs to the hull .
4 As winter took its hold , banking up the short days , the long cold nights between autumn and spring , thoughts and imaginations often drifted to hunting .
5 Seesaws and swingboats both lead to estimation of weight as children look for a comfortable partner .
6 When he changes his models for a vulgar Cockney girl and a vagabond Italian his illustrations of lords and ladies immediately come to life .
7 But women also signify to psychology the endless rich field of research questions which subjectivity 's uncertainty generates .
8 It 's that time of year again when thoughts inevitably turn to weight , and the problem of how to get rid of those extra Christmas pounds .
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