Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The use of septic tanks or cesspools may have a significant impact on maximum permissible density of dwellings per hectare .
2 It should not be assumed , however , that an analysis of the incomes per capita of various countries or regions will provide a precise measure of the market potential of each ; income is a useful indicator , but it does not provide the full picture .
3 For childless elderly people in particular these brothers or sisters may provide a strong support .
4 In other groups subsidiaries or divisions may have a considerable degree of autonomy in operational matters ; in these cases the role of the parent board is that of an allocator of capital , rewarding successful operating units with funds for expansion and curtailing or restructuring the activities of those whose performance is weak .
5 It was assumed that shareholders would have a long-term commitment to their company and that if there was a problem , it would be the directors rather than the shareholders who would change .
6 Stating that clinics should have a close relationship with general out-patient departments , it goes on to suggest that , where ground-floor accommodation is unavailable , consideration should be given to allocating space at first-floor level , commenting , with rare insight , that this possibility arises because almost all the patients visiting the clinic will be ambulant .
7 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
8 Research shows that interviewers will make a visual impression which influences their decision within the first 45 seconds .
9 c ) Just as teachers have much to learn from practices in industry regarding time management , and problem solving , for example , so employers can learn a great deal from teachers about curriculum developments , equal opportunities , and new forms of assessment .
10 Both the head and the DCSL freely acknowledged that these developments were undertaken in the light of knowledge that a library project existed , and that schools might stand a better chance of securing a grant if they could show evidence of commitment to enhanced library provision .
11 The Hargreaves Report ( ILEA 1984 ) showed that schools can achieve a great deal on their own and that they can outweigh parental lack of interest .
12 Indeed , one of the main factors leading to the demise of classical behaviourism was the discovery that animals can learn a motor behaviour — which way to run in a maze to get some food — without the need for either associative learning or overt trial-and-error experimentation .
13 But David Townsend , director of Croydon SSD , has complained to Herbert Laming , SSI chief inspector , that inspectors should wait a few months for the reforms to bed down .
14 This relationship entails that speakers can exercise a great deal of choice in the way they encode their meanings ; for example , even if questions ( i.e. requests for information or for action ) occur in a text , there is no guarantee that they will be realized syntactically as interrogatives ; there is no simple isomorphic relationship between function and form .
15 Lawyers who think that judges should take a pragmatic attitude toward legal rights sometimes say the community has actually decided that they should , at least tacitly .
16 In similar vein , 76% considered that companies should attach a high priority to maximising profits .
17 It was recognised that companies should implement a company- wide policy to address the specific professional needs of company personnel and that the LXs had established an effective model in skills auditing and needs analysis .
18 But it is clear that companies should have a strategic approach to the issue just as they would with R&D .
19 Klaus Töpfer , the federal environment minister , has capitalised on his country 's environmental angst by devising a bold principle : that companies should have a legal obligation to take back — and to recycle — their products at the ends of their lives .
20 The indication so far is that companies will follow a comprehensive site audit with regular spot checks , but leave between two and four years before carrying out a further full audit .
21 While we agree that emotions should become a legitimate study for anthropologists , we nevertheless feel that the degree of consensus is minimal in such matters and that , for the time being at least , we should abandon universalistic explanatory models , and instead locate such studies within the indigenous understanding .
22 Some speakers do indeed produce utterances in the expectation that hearers will recover a specific set of propositions .
23 Intel claims that CHMOS will spawn a new generation of compact , portable and battery-driven electronic devices such as hand-held medical instruments , portable computer terminals , lightweight video recorders , and new ‘ senses ’ for industrial robots .
24 Although it is certainly true that individuals can gain a false idea about the ease of making money on the Stock Market , there is also no doubt that privatisation has generated substantial interest in the Stock Market , much of it from new investors .
25 The Law Commission , which first suggested the introduction of the AJR , contemplated that applicants would have a free choice between the two procedural paths in cases where both were available on the facts of the case .
26 The advertisement was particularly ironic , inasmuch as in the nineteenth century the public library movement was undoubtedly supported by many reformers in the expectation that libraries would provide a healthy alternative to drunkenness among the working class .
27 It has been held that volenti will provide a complete defence in actions against the police or hospital authorities where the deceased was of sound mind .
28 On the one hand , it reinforces the argument that officials should have a general duty to provide reasons for decisions .
29 This makes it less likely that investors would encourage a dissolute borrower to mend its ways by withholding finance .
30 And do you think that geographers can make a unique contribution to the planning ?
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