Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] you " in BNC.

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1 must tread gingerly this week or things will backfire on you .
2 In brief , the rules are that departed colleagues or employees may compete against you from the day they go , directly or indirectly , locally or nationally , or as they see fit .
3 Do not take it for granted that Accounts will be paying up the way you want or that suppliers will stay with you if they do n't get paid on time .
4 Do n't forget that accidents can happen to you , too !
5 Of course , you 'll want to keep your cards to yourself , but the free-ranging mind that results will go with you into the negotiation .
6 Raynor said softly , ‘ But you are so beautiful that men would die for you , ’ and Grainne looked up , startled , because the words had been so soft that she could not be sure she had heard them correctly , yet she knew she had .
7 we want to know from you , when only fish and chips will do for you .
8 We 'd like you to tell us when fish and chips will do for you .
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