Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Taller growing tomatoes , sweet peppers or cucumbers will need to be supported with growing bag support frames .
2 Firstly , the identification and recording of unmet need is not a finding which agencies or governments will want to be made public , especially if one object of the community care reforms is to reduce eligibility for services .
3 Dogs or cats may have to be boarded at kennels .
4 Consequently , even long-standing travel plans or arrangements may have to be postponed or cancelled in early May .
5 In these cases , analysis may have to suffice , or feminists may have to be content with informal , guerilla-style resistance .
6 The video depicts in graphic detail some of the most difficult sexual positions and even admits that experimenters might need to be double-jointed .
7 The new Labour government will begin the phased release of receipts from council house sales so that houses can begin to be built again . ’
8 This implies that futures will tend to be overpriced in a rising market and underpriced in a falling market .
9 By early February 1991 he had conceded that taxes would have to be raised if Germany 's 1991 borrowing requirement were to be kept to DM140,000 million or 5 per cent of GNP ( of which the federal government share would be DM70,000 million ) .
10 After the menopause the vagina becomes drier and less elastic , so husbands may need to be a bit more gentle , especially at first , and a little more persevering .
11 While emphasizing that commodities will continue to be vital to the overall business and that there will be no diminution in efforts to market them , his aim is to make the split nearer 50.50 .
12 Although you have a good-sized tank , many other fish may be inclined to nip the fins of a Batfish , so tankmates will have to be chosen with care .
13 But all the signs are that although bottles will continue to be the major end product for ‘ Melinar ’ and will continue to gain business , mainly at the expense of glass , other very important applications will also develop .
14 Reports from such experts are subject to the same rules and privileges as medical reports but would be classed as non-medical experts so that directions will have to be sought in any type of personal injury case if a party wants to call more than one ( see RSC Ord 25 , r8 below ) .
15 I am therefore recommending the attached structure and numbers of staff to deal with Council Tax with effect from 1 April 1993 , although appointments will have to be made considerably in advance of that date .
16 It also notes that applications will have to be recompiled to get full benefit from the chip .
17 These figures do not allow any sum for interest and therefore it may be that calculations will have to be made by council to include that figure or alternatively I am informed that both parties wish to consider the possibility of the incorporation of this judgement into a structured settlement .
18 The reduction in penalty from the theoretically available life to three years will mean that prosecuting policy will have to be revised in these types of affray , and that prosecutions will have to be brought either for riot or violent disorder , or for offences contrary to the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 , sections 18 , 20 and 47 .
19 It is probable that during the short drive from the palace to Villeneuve l'Etang both decided that certain aspects of court protocol would have to be looked into and that changes would have to be made .
20 The Labour party agree that changes will have to be made in the benefit system , but say that today 's proposals are not the answer .
21 The only thing that everybody seems to be sure about is that abortions will continue to be performed despite the new law .
22 Perhaps it was after all impossibly naive and idealistic to expect that frontiers would cease to be watched , but just what price are we paying for the security effected by border controls ?
23 Referring back to Figure 5.9 in Chapter 5 , it is evident that households would prefer to be at point A rather than at points B or C , but that they have no means at their disposal to effect the move to this optimal position .
24 Mr Riley says that auditors may have to be ring-fenced to ensure their independence .
25 ‘ When your Uncle Jim died , ’ Louise continued , ‘ and I decided to retire up here , it seemed the most natural thing in the world that cousins should want to be close in their widowhood .
26 and anticipate that revisions will have to be made to accommodate the new system but , they said , ‘ This shows the flexibility needed to meet our customers ’ needs in a changing environment ’ .
27 However , it was recognized that prices would have to be raised to supply the necessary funds .
28 The general view was that microcomputers would continue to be used extensively for automating laboratory operations and even more for recording , analysing and interpreting results .
29 It supports the principle of increasing energy prices so that consumers pay the full environmental cost of the resources they use , although it acknowledges that increases would have to be phased in over time , preferably in line with international agreements .
30 On the other hand , there remained the conviction of many employers and Baldwin 's Conservative government that wages would have to be reduced in order to maintain profits and to fight international competition .
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