Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Early statements of the model ( e.g. , Marslen-Wilson & Welsh ( 1978 ) ) assert that candidates drop out of the pool of word-candidates when they do not fit the specifications of context , in the same way as when they do not fit the accumulating sensory input .
2 If deconstruction in a purest sense is only of limited interest to a study which is asserting that texts emerge out of a particular culture called the English Renaissance , it is also true that , fortunately , there is little pure deconstruction about .
3 The period that women spend out of the labour force for child-care has been steadily reducing over the postwar period .
4 Any junkie or Bowery red-eye comes limping down the street , then five sombre fatboys with baseball bats and axe-handles stride out of the nearest trattoria .
5 They 're better than lamp posts and that , cos trees grow out of the ground , so they 're extra special like .
6 1985 : 1206 ) : ( 191 ) As the novels and tales lead out of the nineteenth century and into our own , we are made to feel more of the limited , contingent validity of moral claims and of collaborative endeavour .
7 A tankard on the compartment table sits as a reminder of the glories of Soviet technology — sputniks and rockets spin out of a world inhabited by the Spassky Tower and an olive branch — and , as if to demonstrate that the mundane is as attainable as the sublime , not a spoon rattles , not a single drop of sweet Georgian tea is spilt , as the carriage is smoothly elevated and the task of fitting a Chinese-gauge undercarriage is taken in hand .
8 At his most repellent , thick tendrils and leaves coil out of the forced-open mouth , eyes , or nose , lush and relentless , engulfing the victim 's head .
9 Just the kind of remarks one would hear as parents come out of the display of their children at annual ballet school spectacular .
10 Also , it might be able to increase revenues as rivals drop out of the market .
11 Arsenal manager George Graham was the most strident of those who hinted to Clough in recent weeks that when points go out of the door , football philosophy should fly through the window .
12 As sediments settle out of the top freshwater now , they are caught by the bottom 's incoming salt now and returned for deposition at the mouths of the tributaries .
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