Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] [adv] to be " in BNC.

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1 A few years ago Japanese-Americans were compensated for being interned during the second world war , and some ( mostly white ) people have begun to point out that blacks have yet to be compensated for centuries of slavery .
2 Noting that rats tend naturally to be either left- or right-pawed in reaching for and picking up their food , he constrained them to reach for their food with the non-preferred paw and reported changes in RNA and protein synthesis in the region and side of the brain responsible for the motor coordination of the ‘ learning ’ paw compared with the ‘ non-learning ’ side .
3 Unfortunately , very little is known about Brough , Dorn , Willoughby and Bourton , and defences have yet to be proven for the latter pair .
4 If banks choose not to be tempted in this way then an appeal to their civic duty is misplaced .
5 All they have been offered , they feel , is a gesture toward an explanation — a menu of dishes whose aromas and flavours have yet to be tried .
6 Potential differences in this respect between intermittent octreotide injection and CSOI have yet to be studied .
7 The Safrane goes on sale in January and prices have still to be announced , but expect the RT to cost about £18,500 , the RXE £25,500 .
8 The final date and venues have yet to be set .
9 Dates and venues have yet to be decided .
10 As we went to press , DEC was getting ready to set up nine new business units as part of its reorganization struggle , some of them reportedly headed by leaders brought in from the outside and others have yet to be chosen .
11 The team processes cases more quickly and closes them earlier ; of those that remain open , relatively few are reassessed , but cases tend not to be kept open for ‘ monitoring only ’ .
12 As you will appreciate , the best and possibly the only time to carry out such projects is the spring/ early summer period , partly because of the weather , partly because volunteers tend not to be available in the summer .
13 Nevertheless , just as ways have somehow to be found of taking on the sexually ( or racially ) abusive language heard in the classroom , so , surely , ways have to be found of taking on sexually ( or racially ) abusive language read out to pupils from class novels .
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