Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb base] [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The women who assemble stationery or shoes have to inflict on their families the permanent , sickly , and probably unhealthy smell of glue and solvents .
2 Constant liaison at the appropriate level is therefore necessary to avoid a situation arising where problems have occurred about which the supplier is not aware .
3 This , after all , is a place where scorning government has been taken to new extremes ; where voters have boxed in their politicians with ballot initiative after ballot initiative .
4 The Rev Awdry is proud that railwaymen have written to him , praising the accuracy of the Thomas the Tank engine books .
5 Darwin 's theory of evolution incorporates the principle of natural selection , which suggests that animals change according to their surroundings , developing adaptations — over several generations — which enhance their ability to survive in particular habitats .
6 But whatever the case , tool use is only one of the many varied and complex behavioural adaptations that animals have acquired in their struggle to survive .
7 These mobile pieces of DNA ( called transposons ) share many features in common with the genetic material of some viruses and it is possible that viruses have evolved from them .
8 It is possible that parents do convey to their children that they themselves do not judge and relate to people on the basis of their skin colour , but they should also tell the child that many people in the society do .
9 It can be seen that pluralists tend to disagree on what the functions are , and even on their number .
10 It is one of the easiest measures for the government to control , but it has been frequently criticized as being of little use as an indicator of spending power in the economy since it excludes the most important component of money supply , namely bank deposits , and includes money in banks ' tills which is the money that banks need to keep in their tills as a ‘ float ’ .
11 More importantly , we shall also consider some of the most recent approaches that psychologists have adopted in their attempts to bridge the gap which has hitherto existed between psychological theory and educational practice .
12 Although I am sure that the Publishers Association is sincere in wishing to manage the book club rules as tightly as it manages the Net Book Agreement , we are all aware of the increasing confidence of the book clubs , who are bound to accelerate their invasion into the territory that booksellers have regarded as theirs .
13 This was a somewhat underexploited arthropodan niche that ants have claimed as their domain .
14 Although stocks have fallen from their earlier high of 32 million tonnes due to an upsurge in the steel industry , at the end of June 1984 stocks still stood at 18 million tonnes .
15 Then geography , and the entrepreneurial cleverness that Greeks seem to carry in their bones , make their country a natural trading post between Europe and the countries of south-west Asia and northern Africa .
16 I always reckon it 's tremendously flattering that viewers want to talk to you when they meet you in the street .
17 THE BBC 's Halloween programme Ghostwatch is proof that viewers do react to what they see on TV .
18 It is often pointed out that chemists have failed in their attempts to duplicate the spontaneous origin of life in the laboratory .
19 Another A group perspective is that girls do succeed at what primary schools ask them to do , but that primary schools and teachers fail to prepare them adequately for more advanced mathematics .
20 Political parties have somehow got it into their heads that voters want to agree with them , so put up policies with which voters will agree .
21 Together , these mean that piglets need protecting from their own mothers as well as from other sows .
22 A good deal of evidence was produced to show that children tend to conform to their teachers ' expectations of them .
23 Douglas Kinnaird , of PA Consultants and one of the UK 's top headhunters , makes the point that quite often women do n't realise how hard promotion is to get and that men have worked for it for months , if not years .
24 Refuse the control that others seem to have over you .
25 Of his modest Welsh Ring cycle he said , ‘ I aimed to strip away all the burdens that philosophers have put on everybody 's shoulders about the Ring , and take a very fresh , sensuous look at it . ’
26 He had learned , he told his audience , that rumours have spread among you of my intention to abolish serfdom .
27 Exposure to the latter route of infection does not occur until kittens begin to hunt for themselves or to share the prey of their dams .
28 Agnes is stretched out on her back , and images keep passing through her head : that strange , kindly man is visiting them again , the one who knows all about them and yet has not heard of the Eiffel Tower .
29 Their function now is to make a good job of delivering the railway services that the PTEs and sectors want to buy from them .
30 Meanwhile , ideas for new contrasts and effects keep popping into my head and I can hardly wait to put them into practice .
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