Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [modal v] [be] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Safe grips can be used and the appropriate sized roller used for each length of hair ; dolls or wigs may be used for this .
2 Sticks or twigs can be used for poles , and ‘ chains ’ or necklaces suspended from ‘ pole ’ to ‘ pole ’ .
3 Planned tutorials or lectures can be programmed for material which might provide a basis for development .
4 Pupillage or articles can be waived for candidates with outstanding examination results .
5 Days or weeks would be needed for each experiment .
6 Ordinary flettons or stocks can be used for garden walls , where water will run off them , but for paving you need special quality frost-proof or engineering bricks , otherwise they will quickly disintegrate .
7 Shredded paper or tissues can be provided for nesting material .
8 Certain common linking topics or themes may be chosen for humanities-driven work .
9 The occasional row of repeated birds or quadrupeds may be substituted for abstract designs in one of the zones ; but much more interesting is the introduction of complicated scenes of human activity .
10 ‘ Basis of accounting : The timing of recognition , that is , when the effects of transactions or events should be recognized for financial reporting purposes .
11 As a general principle it was recommended that hearings should be in public and that reasons should be given for decisions .
12 The rule that cases should be prepared for trial by someone other than the advocate presenting them in court should not apply to solicitors , the committee said .
13 The first meeting was held in January 1992 for tomato growers and it is hoped that clubs will be established for all crop groups by the end of 1994 .
14 It is likely that copies will be required for SDD , each of the District councils , Livingston Development Corporation , and for this Department .
15 He had already accepted the need for reunion of churches in South India and agreed with Archbishop Michael Ramsey 's view that risks should be taken for the sake of Gospel .
16 It expressed the view that opportunities should be provided for suitably qualified students to obtain a degree , although it was acknowledged that many would not be prepared to take the longer course this entailed and some would not be considered suitable for admission to degree studies .
17 Julianna Sciolla , the society 's chief operating officer , says its predicament reflects a crucial financial dilemma facing all U.S. museums , that funds can be raised for construction and exhibition projects , but not for the ordinary task of operating an institution .
18 During the campaign for elections to the European Parliament ( EP ) in June 1989 [ see pp. 36737 ; 36874-75 ] they successfully capitalized on opposition to controversial proposals that foreigners should be enfranchised for local elections throughout European Community ( EC ) member states .
19 It gives off a smell similar to that of rotting meat , so walkers can be forgiven for thinking there 's a dead sheep in the area .
20 The autobiographies show that homes could be shared for two reasons , with differing implications .
21 At its most absurd it might mean that companies could be sued for sending letters to the wrong address .
22 There is amongst sociolinguists a general consensus that pseudonyms should be used for both personal and street names in order to preserve anonymity .
23 The joint working party 's paper correctly highlights the problem that one possible reason for non-response to hepatitis B vaccines is a pre-existing hepatitis B carrier status and suggests that non-responders should be tested for hepatitis B e antigen to identify infectious carriers and advise them against carrying out invasive procedures .
24 The Committee recommended that bursaries should be provided for pupils who had attended maintained primary schools and that any independent schools participating in the scheme should admit at least 25 per cent of its pupils in this way .
25 The ubiquitous shellsuit will , however , retain its popularity as a leisure garment , although buyers will be opting for designs in fabrics with a softer handle , such as that achieved by special finishes such as acid , stone or garment washing , which can be applied to both woven and knitted cloths .
26 A principle of APL is that individuals can be assessed for their competence without regard for time , place or method of learning .
27 He did not explain why the campaign had suddenly reversed its recently declared position that passports would be needed for more than 300,000 key wage-earners in the colony as well as their families .
28 The fact that seeds could be carried for hundreds of miles by strong winds allowed the supporters of dispersal to explain any case of anomalous distribution by invoking such an accidental circumstance .
29 It also establishesa system for the review and clearance of products containing genetically modified organisms so that conditions can be established for their marketing . ’
30 This means not only that forecasts must be made for each sector separately but that the base year should be the last one for which there were no constraints on the supply of places .
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