Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [be] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where files are computerised a corresponding right of access exists under the Data Protection Act 1984 .
2 If it seems husband or children are paying a high price for the caring in other ways this is difficult .
3 Exasperated by attacks by one or several bears on sheep , the mayor of the French Pyrenean village of Bielle has issued an order stipulating that " the bear or bears is causing a public nuisance and will be destroyed " .
4 Where students are following a joint honours curriculum consisting of two languages , two months must be spent additionally in the country of the second language .
5 The head of Social Services in Oxfordshire has welcomed news that inspectors are considering a nationwide enquiry into the running of children 's homes .
6 The Prime Minister has already shown his sensitivity to a feeling that individuals are getting a poor service from the public sector , hence the Citizen 's Charter .
7 In the cotton towns , you can already see that power-looms are creating a new category of human being , the town labourer .
8 ‘ We appreciate that tenants are facing a major decision on who their new landlord will be , ’ said Edinvar director Robin Burley .
9 By and large advisers thought that teachers were providing a sound education and preparing lessons well .
10 The Minister 's brief would be to ensure that rapists are given a fair trial , to remove the by then punitive tax on shaving brushes , and generally to encourage his sex to emerge from their hiding-places and contribute to the running of the nation .
11 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
12 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
13 The popularity of South Africa 's kruggerrand was due largely to the fact that collectors were buying a precise quantity of gold at only a fraction over the actual cost of the precious metal .
14 But sources say that Ministers are studying a possible package to extend the compensation scheme for VAT which is planned for pensioners and families with young children .
15 The method of forming the top- and bottom-knots was to twist a thin strip of the shroud material into a cord .
16 Although many hospitals , schools and institutions are making a big effort , there is still a need for the Government to provide guidance for the less enthusiastic or efficient .
17 wording of questions ( if ambiguities are found a further pilot is required to check the re-wording ) .
18 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
19 Grain prices were expected to triple , and workers were to receive a temporary cash supplement in place of their grain ration at low fixed prices .
20 These modern versions of Marxism are not attempting to reintroduce ‘ idealism ’ in which thought and ideas are given a central role in the determination of history .
21 The announcement recently that Wimpey Laboratories and G-C Engineers and Consultants are to establish a joint venture company to deal with nuclear waste indicates that private industry sees a role for itself .
22 It is reasonable , however , for Thompson to ask why such a degree of compartmentalisation of objectives should be presumed to have been the case in 1812 , when war had been largely continuous over twenty years , when trade unions were under the interdict of the Combination Acts , when the hand-loom weavers and knitters were suffering a catastrophic drop in earnings and when high food prices were producing widespread and severe hunger .
23 It was mid-morning and many of the apprentices and stall-holders were taking a short rest , albeit some of them were already as drunk as March hares ; one group of apprentices outside The Death 's Head on the corner of Old Fish Street were indulging in a strident belching contest .
24 An orientation towards customers ’ needs and rights is becoming a prevailing ethos in society which the police can not ignore . ’
25 At present 7C% of all sixth formers in Catholic schools and colleges are following A level courses .
26 Such an integrated approach , in which education encompasses more than schooling , is essential if educators are to play a positive role in rural development .
27 All I can now remember of questions and answers is writing a three-hour essay on ‘ Security ’ , and I can not think that it was very good .
28 If teachers are to assume a greater role in the control of their own organisations a far wider range of knowledge and skills is required than if they are to remain ‘ in the classroom ’ — they must move from the restricted to the extended approach .
29 That a hospital lets babies with minimal brains and no conscious potential die would occasion less hostility , and many might even approve , than if mongoloids were dealt a similar fate .
30 As at Ibrox , the match is for home fans only , but 1,000 Scots fans are expected to travel and police are mounting a huge security operation to stop touting outside the stadium .
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