Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [conj] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It looked quite good with Crombies & trilbies & was sometimes lacquered .
2 Defining formulas are certain words or phrases that are frequently used in definitions , such as ’ the quality or state of being ’ or ’ of or relating to ’ , and these have been used to identify a variety of lexical-semantic relations in dictionary definitions .
3 This despair frequently relates back to early experiences when adults were literally more powerful than children and were therefore blamed by those children for some of the awful things , real or imaginary , that happened to them .
4 Timbuctu may have lost some of its mystique but still attracts more legionnaires than lager-louts and was always going to appeal to the adventure-seekers who answered the call of the organising triumvirate of Jerome Viellard , Oliver du Plessis and Ann-Pascale Suppot-Reveilhac .
5 Americans think they have lost more ground than others and are now making great efforts to catch up .
6 In order to earn her keep Diana joined the ranks of what she now dismissively refers to as the ‘ velvet hairband ’ brigade , the upper-class ladies who fit a loose template of values , fashions , breeding and attitudes and are commonly known as ‘ Sloane Rangers ’ .
7 Quantum mechanics implies that the whole of space is filled with pairs of ‘ virtual ’ particles and antiparticles that are constantly materializing in pairs , separating , and then coming together again and annihilating each other .
8 Secondly , many researchers argue that intelligence tests are based on white middle-class knowledge and skills and are therefore biased against blacks .
9 Just before guests sat down , one of the staff went out with a bucket of rice and scraps and was immediately mobbed by flocks of birds .
10 Compaq Computer Corp announced both desktop machines and servers and is actually placing most of its valuable early Pentiums into the desktop products so that the new Deskpro 60/M and 66/M machines will debut first .
11 Even so , some residents had started to venture out to local pubs and shops and were slowly becoming part of the community .
12 There is no doubt generally that children love jokes and riddles that are predictably structured and heavily formulaic , whatever the fashionable subject-matter .
13 ‘ It had been left with a blue towel wrapped around its waist and legs but was otherwise uncovered .
14 So he turned to other forms of theatre , directing operas , writing and staging revues and musicals , to which he brought new ideas and methods that were widely admired .
15 Roget gives , in one paragraph , words and phrases that are closely related to a word or a phrase that came into your mind but is not quite right for the sense you are trying to convey .
16 Data General believes its formula is not only affordable and easy to use , but takes advantage of networks , databases and applications that are already installed .
17 DG believes its formula is not only affordable and easy-to-use but takes advantage of networks , databases and applications that are already installed .
18 This is conceptually similar but not identical to the phenomena described by Matza ( 1964 : 33–68 ) as the subculture of delinquency : both consist of ‘ precepts and customs that are delicately balanced between convention and crime ’ ; both ‘ posit objectives that may be attained through ( crime ) but also other means ’ ; both ‘ allow ( crime ) but it is not demanded or necessarily considered the preferred path ’ ; and both consist of ‘ norms and sentiments ’ which are ‘ beliefs that function as the extenuating conditions under which ( crime ) is permissible ’ .
19 Sarron spent his entire GP career with Sonauto and Gauloises and is now working to find new sponsors for the team .
20 Lucky for him that he was wearing a fire-proof suit , and it was only the joins such as between the leg and the boots , where the mask did n't cover the face , eyebrows , nostrils , lungs and wrists that were severely burnt .
21 All the studios sleep 2–3 , have private facilities and terraces and are fully equipped for the self catering gourmet .
22 Work preparing the ‘ Marco Polo ’ story for the studio had taken up more time and resources than was originally envisaged .
23 These were furnished with fountains , seats , grass and trees and were so organized that nearly every quartier of Paris could give its inhabitants a place for relaxation .
24 Amongst his roles , Seth was god of wind and storms and was also placed at the prow of the sun 's boat to avert danger .
25 Grappling with this problem has led us to reject a sharp either/or dichotomy in terms of innate versus cultural , and instead to posit the existence in human beings of innate potentialities and capacities — as well as innate constraints — that may be turned to peaceful as much as to warlike ends , potentialities and capacities that are necessarily set within the particularity of a moral and semantic universe .
26 Given the consultations and enquiries that are now needed for relatively minor landscape changes , it is doubtful if it would have ever been achieved .
27 There , as Marx had noted , slaves are often classed with women and children and are often obtained in order to be adopted by people without descendants .
28 The façades are rarely , as in Lombardy , divided into bays and masses but are evenly decorated all over with arcading , up to four or five rows on the west side .
29 It is said that invoices were raised against Wessex on behalf of Abbey and that when payment was received by Abbey the moneys were diverted by Mr. Tully and others and were partly dissipated in bribes and partly disguised and concealed in various bank accounts and other havens .
30 Does he accept that the way to solve the problem is for workers to provide goods and services that are competitively priced ?
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