Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [conj] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Some staff added other minor errors or disagreements but it soon emerged that some departments did not think that the report was fair and they criticized the general conclusion relating to their department .
2 One is the right to exactly equal treatment , that is , to the same distribution of goods or opportunities as everyone else has .
3 The schoolchildren were split into seven standards or classes but we only had one room and one blackboard .
4 They may put the blame entirely on the teenagers for failing to respond to their advice or orders as they once did , but the fault may be theirs for failing to treat them as the young adults they have now become .
5 And this women gives talks and demonstrations or courses and she also had some other courses on paper quilling , gift wrapping and bow making , cracker making and patch work .
6 That ideally they should actually be doing this with just family or friends , erm or or or adults that they actually know .
7 In such cases the competition can usually respond by introducing similar products or services if they so wish , and where they do , the price is forced down and technical improvements are rapidly introduced to maintain leadership .
8 This is the first year that Catholics or anyone else have known they could n't expand if there was a surplus in other schools nearby . ’
9 In Sussex they are much more important for their breeding birds than reservoirs as they generally have much more marginal vegetation .
10 My thesis will be that events that we commonly call miracles are not supernatural , but are part of a spectrum of more-or-less improbable natural events .
11 Have the lighting some distance away from the table , otherwise all your food , and you and your guests , will be covered in moths , mosquitos , and midges before you even reach to the main course .
12 First , the dual polity model suggests that the US states and local governments , plus Congress , are fundamentally pluralist in their organization and operations because they only handle secondary issues of little importance for national elites ( Mills , 1956 , p. 244 ) .
13 Multiply those beans by the fruits and vegetables that we now expect to find on supermarket shelves twelve months of the year at affordable ( cheap ) prices , and the dilemma of a million malnourished and impoverished producers of luxury foods is reflected in every casual purchase .
14 ‘ There are some marvellous directors and performers but they just do n't get a chance to show what they can do .
15 By thirteen , I had become his eyes and ears as I already knew the name of every worthwhile trader of fruit and vegetables in Covent Garden .
16 Ay , I I 've I 've said that to them I said well you might have , if I take to work you 'll certainly hear some they said tha well if that 's common usage words that 's what it has to be and words that we never use at all that are in dictionaries and nobody ever uses them , they want to know common ordinary speech words that we use .
17 Even music is so often used as a ‘ background noise ’ in shops and restaurants that it sometimes seems that we have forgotten how to listen to it .
18 ‘ The children like convenience foods such as sausages or fishfingers and chips so we sometimes have that sort of thing , and occasionally we buy a takeaway from the chip shop .
19 Without Kāli , the path seemed narrower , less clearly defined , and there were little forks and side-tracks that I only half-remembered .
20 But it 's the heart that rebels and protests that it just does n't feel right .
21 ‘ In European countries , it took the working class years and years before they fully realized the fact that they formed a distinct and , under existing conditions , a permanent class of modern society ; and it took years again until this class-consciousness led them to form themselves into a distinct political party , independent of , and opposed to , all the old political parties formed by the various sections of the ruling classes .
22 Be ready to adapt these designs ( as well as all other designs in this book ) to make use of bits and pieces that you already have handy .
23 Does not a human cypher or zero have to be capable of hearing the inner voice and , to the extent that he does hear it , is he not then a human being with the defects and failings that one normally associates with a human being ?
24 Do n't worry if you 've not been told , it 's very new , and the managers actually over this week and last week have been before the Group Managers effectively having the last bits of training done and workshops before we really launch it to the field .
25 Well , when , when it comes to talking about er transport in a rural area and , and talking about transport in the Western Isles , er were not talking about buses or trains , were talking about ferries and , and planes and you just wonder when you hear some of the statistics erm from these companies just what sort of service they are at providing to local people , where your talking about ferries at arriving in , in port at half past eleven to half past twelve at night , that 's not a service for local people , I mean you hear about British Airways increasing their domestic fares to er , by seven per cent as of the beginning of April er you just have to ask is this a service been put up provided for er local people , and it just is n't .
26 We are prone to over-emphasize our rationality and to under-rate the very significant part played in our lives by beliefs and ideas that we normally categorize as irrational and absurd , and readily disavow .
27 The Kalkadoon did not have words for European artifacts and ideas but they soon came up with new words as the need arose .
28 Employees of the D.T.I. , their agents and families and anyone else connected with the promotion are not eligible to enter .
29 Please encourage class members , their photographic friends and relatives or anyone else wishing to snap subject matter in class .
30 Equally we might take " nature " as being so predominant in Alison 's whole being and actions that we thus recognize church-going to be a part of medieval culture that has become so instinctive an act as to be part of the essential rhythm of medieval life .
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