Example sentences of "[adv] [been] [adv] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 That all thoughts of penal reform had not been completely shelved for the duration of hostilities was shown by a written answer to a Parliamentary Question addressed to the Home Secretary in April 1944 .
2 ‘ The wisdom of pricing gas at parity with imported oil has thus been officially recognised for the first time in Pakistan , despite being electorally unpopular .
3 Overall the event was a major success and has already been provisionally booked for the same venue year .
4 The great purges were about to begin , and his younger rival , Dimitri Shostakovich , had just been violently denounced for the supposed perversions of his opera ‘ Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk ’ .
5 Although it has a long history , the paradox of the Prisoners ' Dilemma has recently been much studied for the light it may shed on the evolution of altruistic or cooperative behaviour .
6 Many mums who have apparently short labours have actually been gently dilating for a few days without realising it and without having any of the other traditional ‘ signs ’ of labour : a ‘ show ’ as the plug to the cervix is expelled , waters breaking or the first contractions .
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