Example sentences of "[adv] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By the Middle Ages the river had gradually cut back through the neck of land at this side of the rise , until it cut right through to where it runs now .
2 Right through to 8pm I packed and wrapped .
3 Not round about where we live . ’
4 those shell fish things they 're always on about in they get out the rocks
5 Indeed , following the street further along to where it runs over the little round-backed bridge , I could see the mist rising from the river , obscuring almost entirely one of the bridge-posts .
6 So why do n't you piss off back to where you come from and leave the decent people of that once great borough alone .
7 There are also those old myths still around about when you do n't get pregnant — like if it 's your first time , or if you have sex infrequently , or if you do it standing up .
8 As I said to you 've have this half term off from now on from tomorrow she 's got to start
9 Mm , I said to Tony if we ca n't afford to go I said do n't worry about it , we might just go back down to where we went last year for a week because , it 's like I was saying to Joanne this morning , that this year they wo n't , they 're not gon na worry whether they do n't go on holiday but next year when Charlotte 's at school and got all her school mates saying oh where did you go and
10 And then instead of turning left down towards where we park the car ,
11 When the ball finally reached him , the normally placid boy bared his teeth and , whirling the bat round his head , whacked the offending object back up to where it had just come from .
12 She wanted her to do a night and she said I 'm not bloody doing a night and then back in here she said .
13 We 've created so much space for heterosexual women workers to carry out projects , and yet up till now they have not returned the compliment .
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