Example sentences of "[adv] [vb -s] down [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The track eventually drops down to a road .
2 erm But it basically comes down to the attitude that people have , if the government was , or whoever owns the forest , private ownership , or whatever , controls what the loggers do , I mean it 's their forest it 's up to them to control what the loggers do and do n't do , and whether they let cultivators in or they do n't let cultivators in .
3 ‘ Uncle Tom 's Cabin ’ begins with banjo and acoustic guitar by singer Jani Lane 's bro ( ‘ courtesy of his mom ’ ! ) but it soon gets down to a twin axe wank .
4 ‘ Uncle Tom 's Cabin ’ begins with banjo and acoustic guitar by singer Jani Lane 's bro ( ‘ courtesy of his mom ’ ! ) but it soon gets down to a twin axe wank .
5 he , he , he , he said hard , right , so he can fucking , he said I 'll , I 'll take these and the first man that comes up fucking bashes it and then James er John James gets them all and when he wakes up , just as he 's about to wake up John James thinks right and he fucking lays down on the ground and he wakes up and sees all these clowns all over the place
6 You know , Bill always goes down on a Tuesday
7 ‘ Let's have something to eat , William , then afterwards I 'll go and see Lewis , I expect he still lives down near the docks . ’
8 If swallowed , the substance rapidly breaks down in the swan 's gizzard , and passes out with no harm done .
9 The book very quickly gets down to the paddling with a token section at the source of the river .
10 But that still boils down to the fact that everybody thinks they know how schools work cos they 've been at school themselves .
11 The choice of where to hold the party usually comes down to the home or a local hall .
12 Obtainable under the proprietary name Chlordane , the toxin gradually works down into the soil diffusing into the soil atmosphere .
13 The Khmer Rouge also comes down from the north through Preah Vihear to Kompong Thom , Kratie and Kompong Cham .
14 It really boils down to the question of intent .
15 He often comes down to the evening meal drained and exhausted after a day of writing his name at the bottom of letters like these .
16 This larva eventually settles down on a rock , usually chalk or limestone , and grows the two valves of its shell .
17 It eventually settles down on the bottom of the sea and grows into a tiny flower-like organism called a polyp .
18 The laibon simply looks down at the floor of the boma .
19 The vines are greedy — hardy , and they push deep roots down into the soil , but they are also vulnerable .
20 On the evidence of what was seen at Goodison Park , neither side has any outstanding strengths or glaring weaknesses and the whole puzzling equation simply comes down to a matter of confidence .
21 In a direct boiler system , the copper hot water cylinder ( or , in older installations , galvanised hot water tank ) is supplied with water from the cold water storage cistern ; the water then passes down to a heating boiler , back boiler ( behind a fire ) or gas circulator to be heated before returning to the hot water cylinder .
22 ‘ Boom , Boom , ’ says the boogieman , as he coolly shoots his lady down , rams her into his car , steers off to his house , gets a bang out of watching her walking the floor , and then settles down for a bit of baby talk .
23 In places it almost comes down to the ground . ’
24 Although , therefore , Dicey 's sharp distinction between the application and interpretation of statute suffices for most practical purposes , it ultimately breaks down in the face of changing views of the contours of the political community or of serious threats to the central tenets of liberal democracy .
25 Now loan redemption is a matter for the Government to decide ( at least as to minima ) , and presumably comes down to a judgement about how much the Government thinks that local authorities as a whole can afford to redeem in any year .
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